Come unto Me and drink (Part 1&2) – Kevin Barrett
I have a VERY exciting word for the Body of Christ given through my dear friend and pastor. Please don’t allow any doubt to keep you from receiving this powerful word. We are in the days when God will build His house out of us, the lively stones. Thus, His Spirit will be doing work within us which we have never experienced before. This is so awesome….
I pray that this word blesses you all as much as it blessed me.
Come unto Me and drink – Part 1
April 16, 2018
Word from the Lord:
“Hear Me, My people, as I come before you with living words! For I come to you with a Father’s love, that you may know the time in which you live & be able to walk with Me as never before, for too many, these times are very difficult because of the winds of change that exist all over the world. Know that I love you with an everlasting love…the words I bring today will encourage you as you have never been encouraged before. For this I say to help you that you may understand from deep within your hearts & respond to Me in a way that will enact change within you that you thought you could never achieve. For this is the time to hear Me & to receive My words deep within, so that I can change you to be like Me. Now listen as I share with you the words that will catapult you into your destinies…for as you will truly receive what I am sharing with you today, you will see yourselves walk in a victory unparalleled in your lives as you break free from old mindsets…as you break away from old paradigms & enter fully into what I am revealing to you this day. For My word tells you that there is a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, that proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb…this river is ever flowing & unceasing…this river is continually flowing for your benefit! For, as you will come unto Me & truly drink of this river, you will be changed, you will be revitalized… & you will never, ever be the same again. Over the years many have eluded to this river, as many churches have talked about it…many churches have sung about it…but very few have truly understood this river & implemented its benefits to the extent & purpose that I ordained for you. For My river is a river of life…whatever My river touches, life is manifested…wherever My river flows, lives will truly be changed. What has been revealed in times past about My river, has not been realized, but was for that time, a token of what My river really represented. For too many, My river as it was shown in the midst of the churches, was represented as a Holy Ghost party…but now in this time I reveal the truth of My river, so that My people will SEE. For from My river flows a water of life…there is truly LIFE in the river that comes from My Throne! And this life I speak of will not just make people “party”…but as My people will truly receive it, My river will make them changed…from who they were, into who I have called & ordained them to be…the same image, as Christ. For My river flows with water that is clear as crystal…it is a PURE river. Who ever My river truly touches will be made pure! This is the difference…for I did not release the river movement of yester-year & that “was it”…no, what came forth at that time, was only a prelude of what was to come…for I gave Me people a small glimpse of what My river would come to do within you all. For as My people will truly begin to receive My river within themselves, they will know what it means to stay connected to Me…for My river continually proceeds out of My Throne…for they will be as trees planted by the rivers of water…their roots will grow deep within My river & they will bring forth their fruit in their season & their leaves also shall not wither & whatsoever they do shall prosper…this is the difference in what was before & what shall now begin to come. For as My people will respond unto Me, seeking My face & coming unto Me to drink, they will begin to see their lives change in ways they never thought possible…for what they once wrestled with, will be gone & will wrestle no more. For as My people will grow their roots deep within My river, they will be nourished & hydrated unlike anything they have ever known. Do men take green wood to burn in a fire? No, because the wood is full of water & will not burn! Even so, My people, as you will plant yourselves at My river & grow your roots deep, you will be SO hydrated that the fiery darts of the evil one will not be able to affect you & My people will laugh as they see in themselves the very thing that happened to Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego…for the fire had no power, nor was a hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them. This is for you, My people…can you hear Me now? For My people have no idea of what awaits them as they will let go of the way they perceived things to be & allow Me to take them deep within My river. This is the time for My people to arise & shine as lights in a dark place…for as you will drink of My river, you will literally be filling your lamps with the oil you need to take My love to this lost & dying world. You will have the water of life & many will come to you & drink of Me, as you show them what being a Christian is really about. Let me remind you again…you ARE the light of the world…the world is the way it is today, because the church has not been showing them the truth…truth must be lived from the heart & people of the world mostly only see a mixture. The river that My people have drank from in times past has mainly been compromised with hypocrisy, self will, & a lack of true repentance…for only as My people will truly surrender their lives unto Me, will I be able to work in them the way I desire. So, come unto My river & drink, My people…for time is truly short! I will use each one of you that will truly lay your lives before Me & drink the water that I will give them…but I cannot make any do this…the choice is always yours. I love you, My people & want you to see & to know the joy that awaits you, as you will let go of the past & cleave to what I am doing in these last days. Respond to Me, as I have thus said & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”. End of Word.
Come unto Me and drink – Part 2
April 17, 2018
Hear Me, My people as I come to you with My living words of love! For it is My greatest desire that you walk with Me & become as I am. For truly, as I speak to you as a Father, you can receive what I pour out to you this day & be changed for My glory. For even as I have already shared with you, the power of My river of living water which flows from My throne, even so, I desire to help you to walk in this. And now hear as I open these truths up to you in a greater way, for I know that some may struggle with My words of love, not knowing what they need to do to walk in them. So, hear Me as I tell you greater things…for as you will receive them, they will enable you to increase in who I am within you.
The biggest hurdle that My people struggle with in walking with Me, is dealing with things in the heart. For, to most, their heart has a veil over it, which keeps them from truly receiving what I say…this veil keeps them from My glory from manifesting within their mortal bodies. For over all the ages, My servants struggled with things of the flesh, but as they yielded their lives unto Me, I used them in spite of their flesh. For there is none righteous…no not one…that is why I sent My Son to be born of a virgin & die, so He could make it possible for My servants to walk a better way. For even Moses, when he walked in a measure of My glory, had a veil on his face, so that man would not see when it faded away.
As My word says, “but you, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord”. In other words, when My people will behold My glory with nothing before their face, they will be changed into the same image, by My Spirit. The problem is, that so many of My people fail to do this as they walk with Me. There are many different things that keep them from doing this, though they truly desire to be one with Me. For there are many fears that affect them…many conflicts of self image…things of rejection due to things that happened to them in the past…all of these things have kept My people veiled from My glory.
I have touched so many with My Spirit & My presence over time, but still the issues continue & keeps them from what I desire in them. When I spoke to the woman at the well, I said “whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life”. What is a well? A well is where people go to get water. Wells are dug down to where the water is. So, where does this water come from? This water is the underground RIVERS that exist throughout all the earth. So, in the Spirit, when My people will tap into My river, My river will change them & they will become vessels for Me to use throughout all the earth.
Remember what I said…”if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. Herein lies the problem…for MANY do thirst, but few will truly come to Me & drink! This is why so many of My people struggle with things in their lives…because they respond to their thirst with things that are of this world, not realizing that the only way to satisfy that thirst, is to come unto Me & drink! So many of My people truly desire to be used of Me & I desire to use them too. What I need My people to understand is that it is up to them…they have to come unto Me & drink before I can make them vessels to be used greatly of Me.
It is My desire that My river flow throughout the earth, touching people with My love…I want My people to shine as lights in a dark place. For then, My river will be extended to others…for as you will come unto Me & drink, out of your bellies will flow RIVERS of Living Water. My water brings healing where ever it goes…My water brings change. Look at the world as it is…it is dead & dying…there really is not very much of My water being manifested in the earth…but only a few small wells, here & there. I desire each of My people to be powerhouses of My glory, tearing down the devil’s kingdom & manifesting My Kingdom in all the earth. Isn’t that what I commanded in my word for My people to pray?
For I said, pray “your Kingdom come, your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”. That means Me using YOU to fulfill My will in the earth. Many truly desire to do this but feel helpless in being vessels of My glory. You are now entering into a season where you will be able to breakthrough into the realm I desire you to be if you will only seek My face. As you will persevere to go further than just “feeling the warmth of My presence” & push yourselves further, you will see. For truly what you know about feeling My presence is only the very edge of the glory that awaits inside…in My secret place…in that place where no one can keep you from walking fully with Me, for I will be with you, as never before.
Come before Me, My people & know that I love you with an everlasting love…come unto Me & drink! The reason few of My people are not drinking of Me is because they are not seeking the right things to satisfy their thirst. A man dying of thirst in the desert is not going to be looking for anything but water! Think of the human drive…the desire to live, being in that situation! For My people must develop a desperation as that man. For as you will begin to seek Me, like the woman with the issue of blood, I will show you what it means to walk in high places with Me. Hear Me, My people & know My ways…for if you will set yourselves to do as I have said today, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.
End of word..