By 278pikelk
March 7, 2018
Many of My Children would hear Me now, if they would be still and quiet their minds. So many occupying, waiting on Me.
These children of Mine would benefit beyond measure if they would be still and listen for My still small voice. You see, My Children, the atmosphere around you is meant to distract you. The enemy does whatever he can to keep you fixated on him, and the problems and roadblocks he places before you. Step back, My Children, into My complete peace. You do not earn My peace, My Loves, it is a free gift to those who will receive it. Those that learn to experience My peace now will become unshakeable. No matter what they are faced with, their hearts and minds will be placed right back on Me, immediately. You see, My Children, many attempt to contend with their problems on their own. They fail to recruit Me. They come up with their own plans and fail to rest in My Holy Spirit. My return, the promise of My return, as promised in My Word: let that be enough for you, My Loves; let that be the catalyst that strengthens you. I do have some of My Children who are charged with studying and drawing conclusions as to My return – this is true. But if dates come and go, do not give up! Please, My Children, ask to be filled with My Holy Spirit to overflowing. Remain resting in Me no matter what comes to pass. Fear is not of Me. Anxiousness is not of Me. I can assure you, My Loves, that you will need to be calling upon Me for all things that are coming. Make it your practice now to continually rest in My presence and peace. Do this now so that when events come upon your Earth that you’ve never seen or experienced before, you will have full understanding and knowledge of how to rest in Me. Others will ask you how do you remain so peaceful and calm when calamities strike from every side? Your answer will be Me. Whether it be financial collapse, lack of physical comfort, or environmental chaos, those who soak in Me now will soak in Me then. When all someone has ever known are the creature comforts of this world, they will need kind and comforting explanations as to My omnipotence and perfection. You are in training for this up and coming time, My Children, for you will be the peacemakers. You will be responsible for spreading My love, My strength, and peace to those who have never experienced Me before. Receive this peace from Me now, so you can exemplify Me then. The enemy’s goal will be to spread panic. If you’re not existing in My peace now, you will be no different from a person who never knew Me. You yourself will be engulfed in fear and your testimony to My perfect power and protection will be for nothing. None of what you will be asked to face will be more than what you can handle, if you keep your focus upon Me. Practice this now, My Loves. Be engulfed in My Holy Spirit continually and confidently, knowing that I am with you through all things. Nothing is by mistake, and there are no accidents. I am in complete and ultimate control, and My plan will unfold exactly how I call for it to. Those of you who choose Me will receive from Me the supernatural ability and peace to conquer all that the enemy brings upon you. Trust Me now to trust Me then.
I love you, My Children.
Yeshua Ha’mashiach