Coloring Inside the Lines: “Goodnight, John Boy”
April 15, 2020 10:08 AM
Averine Pennington
A Dream, received by Averine Pennington, 4/15/20
I wish to share an encouraging dream with my fellow travelers along life’s narrow path. I don’t know if it has any spiritual significance, but it was such a calming dream in the midst of so much chaos and calamity in our world.
The dream:
There was a page that looked as if it had been torn from a coloring book lying on a table. The image was surrounded by a bold black outline as if to frame it inside a box. Though the picture itself was obscure, I knew it had all been colored in. It was finished. Then as I watched, a hand which held a red crayon started coloring in all the white section between the image itself and the line which made the box. At first glance, I had thought the picture was completed, but evidently that was not the case. With slow and meticulous strokes of the crayon, being very careful not to color outside the line, the picture was finally completed. But the weirdest thing was that when it was all colored in and I looked at it, the red area that the hand had just colored was no longer red but a beautiful shade of blue.
Then the scene changed. It was like I was watching the closing segment of an episode of “The Waltons.” If you’ve ever seen that old TV show, you know the scene I’m referring to. The camera shot is from the outside of the house at night with everyone in bed and each person in the family is saying goodnight to another member of the family. Then I hear, “Goodnight, John Boy” and the last light in the house is switched off.
I remember feeling such a peace as the dream ended. As if everything was alright now and I could finally close my eyes and get some rest (even though it was a dream and my eyes were already closed).
When I awoke this morning and remembered the dream completely, I wondered if it was just for me. I asked God about it and the thought that came to mind was about ‘finishing the race that had been set before me.’ I was led to the verses in 2 Timothy 4:6-8 . . . Paul is speaking to Timothy, 6) “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7) I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith; 8) Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
My Lord knows me so well and the dream fit my life’s journey perfectly. I was raised in a large family, similar to The Waltons (9 kids). We had the same tradition of spending what seemed like forever, telling everyone goodnight. We were so poor that if you got something for Christmas it was probably going to be a coloring book with crayons. So, this dream brought me back to my roots, my beginning. But I believe God was also showing me the ending of my journey . . . the completed picture and how He finished it out and brought me to eternal rest in Him.
I believe the red crayon was symbolizing his precious blood that encapsulates my life, it covers me. But when all is said and done, in that great ‘someday’ when God finishes my picture, I will be in heaven with HIm (symbolized by the blue). His feet rest upon a sapphire stone (Ex.24:10). I have heard it said that our Lord’s favorite color is blue.
I hope this blesses your heart as it has mine. I look forward to meeting you all SOMEDAY SOON in Glory.
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