Warning, Dream, Word

Colorado Springs: Leave Now Or Die Later – Bro. John in Mo.

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA downtown city skyline at night
Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Colorado Springs: Leave Now Or Die Later

8/30/24 4:53 PM
Bro. John in Mo.

Greetings to all the Saints of God. I hope this word finds you all doing well, and in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lately I have been in my “cave of solitude” and have felt no compulsion or urging from the Lord to write for many weeks now, accept for the prophetic poem I very recently wrote. But about two weeks ago, I started feeling what I can only describe as being greatly “pressured” by the Lord to speak this word to all who might read it. I really did not want to even write this, but I felt I had no choice but to warn once more.

A couple of months or so ago, on at least two or more occasions, I believe that I heard the still small voice of the Lord speak the following two words to me: “COLORADO SPRINGS” Those are two words that I definitely did not want to hear. Back in 2010 up until 2011, the Lord spoke to me numerous times the following five words: “COLORADO SPRINGS WILL BE DESTROYED”

You can read the full story about how all of this came about by clicking on this link below that will bring up the article that was posted here at the 444prophecynews website back on March 12, 2022.

This particular article I wrote was picked up and posted on another website last year, and it has had over 13,000 views. I’m glad that this warning has been seen by so many, and perhaps the Lord may impress it upon someone else to spread this word of warning also, if the Lord so leads. As I said, at least twice here recently, I believe I have heard the words “Colorado Springs” in my spirit.

When I hear those two words, (Colorado Springs) sadly, I always associate it with the coming nuclear destruction of this city, as I believe the Lord has revealed to me. After I heard this in my spirit, I sought the Lord to see if there was anything additional that he wanted to reveal to me. I honestly cannot say that I heard anything else from the Lord, but I just couldn’t shake an “uneasy” feeling that had come over me upon hearing those two words once again in my spirit.

After this, about three or four weeks went by, and one night while I was listening to a particular Pastor on the radio, he mentioned that his grandson had left earlier that day, and was returning to his home in Colorado Springs,Co. When I heard that, my spiritual antenna went way up, and it was as if a dark foreboding came upon me.

I went into prayer at once for this Pastor’s grandson, praying something along these lines: “Heavenly Father, please speak to this man’s grandson, and put it into his heart and mind to pack up and relocate out of this city soon” I prayed several times for him like this. About two weeks or so went by, and I had the radio on listening to that same Pastor again, and he casually mentioned that his grandson had suddenly decided to leave Colorado Springs, Colorado, and move back to W.V. (this just very recently happened) I was overjoyed to hear that he was moving out of this city! Did my intercessory prayer have an effect? I’ll probably never know this side of heaven.

***SIDE NOTE*** (I strongly sense that God is right now speaking to HIS people, and to those who in the future will become his people, to get out of all the major cities in the U.S. They may not know, or even be thinking of the coming destruction…but God may just make them dissatisfied with things so that they wake up one morning feeling something like this: “You know what…I’m sick of this job, and I’m sick of this stinking city…I’m outta here!” That being said, I also believe that God is speaking to the wicked, those in whom he knows will never repent and seek Christ for salvation. He is leading these type of people INTO these same wicked cities for their eternal destruction. I have this funny feeling that the night BEFORE Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, that there was a large crowd of wicked reprobate stragglers that arrived late that night into these cities, planning the next morning to start their new wicked and perverse “Best Life Now.”)

Last week I began seeking the Lord, asking him if he was truly trying to warn me again about the coming nuclear destruction of the city of Colorado Springs, and if so, to please send me a dream or a vision to confirm it. The first two or three nights I received nothing, but last Friday August 23, 2024, that night I had a dream/night vision. I saw what looked like a printed label containing many very small words, (none that I can remember) they were so tiny I could barely read them. But as I continued reading, I clearly saw the two words: “COLORADO SPRINGS.”

When I woke up that morning (Sat. 8/24/24) I remembered the dream… and I thought about it off and on all last weekend. I believed that it was from the Lord, but I just could not really make any sense of it. Sunday evening (8/25/24) around 5:30pm or so, I was standing in my kitchen thinking about this dream/vision. I was talking off and on to the Lord about it in prayer. At one point, I was thinking to myself: “That dream or vision that I had…what I saw with those tiny words and all…it was like what you would see or read on a medicine bottle or something.”

A few seconds later this pops into my mind, and I do believe it was Holy Spirit revelation from the Lord that spoke to me: “WHAT YOU WERE SEEING WAS A WARNING LABEL” Nearly simultaneously as that thought entered my mind, I happened to glance over at a vitamin supplement bottle sitting on the kitchen counter to my right, where I saw the word “WARNING” on the side where the warning label was turned directly towards me!!

So lets do a review to sum this all up. At least twice in my spirit I hear the words “Colorado Springs.” Then I start sensing a deep foreboding that the Lord may possibly be warning me AGAIN about the coming nuclear destruction of this city. Then I ask the Lord if it truly is him trying to warn me, to please confirm it by giving me a dream or a vision. He answered me precisely as I asked him, by sending a dream/vision of the words “COLORADO SPRINGS” written on a WARNING LABEL!

I would say that the message is clear. Very clear. Therefor, I believe that the destruction of this city is coming soon. When?…that I don’t know, but the Lord has warned me, and I have in turn now warned you. I pray that all who live in this beautiful city at the foot of Pikes Peak would diligently seek the Lord about relocating as soon as possible. If you have friends or family in Colorado Springs, would you please forward this to them, they need to be aware of this situation and make a very important decision about leaving soon. If you sense that God is nudging you to move out of this city, or any other large U.S. city that is a nuclear target, then swallow hard, step out by faith, and do it. NOW. If it is God who is truly guiding, then He will do the providing. (that right there will preach)

When Russia, and possibly also China attack this city with nuclear weapons, trust me…they are not going to pussy-foot around. They are going to make sure that the NORAD bunker inside Cheyenne Mountain is crippled and destroyed by hypersonic ground penetrating nuclear bunker buster ICBM’s They will likely launch MULTIPLE nuclear missiles just at the NORAD bunker alone, not to mention the Air Force Academy to the North, Fort Carson to the South, and Schriever and Peterson Air Force Base located in the East part of the city. What is coming to this city is NOT survivable. End of story. God told me that it would be destroyed. Look up what the word “destroyed” means.

Please read the article I wrote and spoke of earlier titled: “Colorado Springs Will Be Destroyed” here at the 444prophecynews site as to why this city will be destroyed. As I said, I absolutely do not know when, but I feel it is soon. As a watchman, I would rather you leave two weeks, two months, or even two years EARLY… than to leave one second too LATE. Just in case I am not being clear enough concerning this word of warning, let me put it this way…. LEAVE THIS CITY, OR YOU WILL DIE THERE. I say this not to be overly dramatic, I say this because I personally believe it to be the truth. The Bible verse below is truly fit for this word of warning that I’m giving.


Before I close, I also want to let you know that during the past three weeks or so, there has been a huge increase in Air Force V.I.P. flights from Washington D.C. to Colorado Springs, and from Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska to Colorado Springs. (there is also a large command bunker at the Offutt base) There is much speculation and rumors going around that high level military and government officials may possibly be bugging out to the NORAD bunker under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, in preparation for nuclear war. These satanically insane warmongers may go INTO their bunkers, but getting OUT after being hit by 7-10 nuclear bunker busters is another thing altogether. All I can say is good luck.

Speaking about going into bunkers, hmm…let’s see…seems like I read something about this in a certain book once. (Isaiah 2:10) “Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for the fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty” (Isaiah 2:19) “And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for the fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.” There’s absolutely nothing new under the sun, is there? (Eccl. 1:9)

Whether or not this is true, that government / military officials are bugging out to bunkers, that I don’t know, but I would not at all be surprised. One final watchman’s warning report. Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov is reported to be leaving the U.S. in October, and returning to home to Russia. I believe Russia is supposedly planning on appointing a new ambassador to send to Washington D.C. in his place, but my feeling is that they are just saying this, as to not create suspicion. I suspect that once Antonov safely returns to Russia in October, it could all hit the fan. We shall see.

Foreign ambassadors returning home is NEVER a good sign, because this is what countries do right before they go to war. Japan did this right before they bombed Pearl Harbor. Dear Saints of God, prepare yourself spiritually, physically, and emotionally for what is about to happen. Not only is destruction coming to Colorado Springs, but to many of the large major cities in the U.S.A… especially those that are near a Russian nuclear target.

Stay strong in the faith and in the word of God daily. Claim his promises, and trust him with child-like faith to provide for all of your daily needs. Intercede for the lost and hurting. Humbly repent on your knees with tears for all sin and rebellion. Watchman’s warning delivered. I’m heading back into the school of silence inside my cave. I just received the four vol. book set “Word Studies in The Greek New Testament” by Kenneth Wuest,and the four vol. book set “Word Studies in the New Testament” by M.R. Vincent. I have said many times “Start cramming for finals” I do try to practice what I preach! I will be in touch as the Lord leads. May God bless and protect you all. Come soon Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

Bro. John in Mo. 8-30-24

Weep and howl ye men of war!
Go and enter your mountain den.
Nay, it is better to trust in God,
Than to put confidence in wretched men!
Oh purple mountain majesty,
Your city shall be as glass sand.
The fire is coming soon, all across this land

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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