Benjamin Faircloth
Sunday July 2, 2017
“Collateral Damage!” Part 2
“The sins of the nations have reached the tipping point! There is no return to yesterday, to the folly of vain imaginations of false hope, and false peace. The hour of war is here!
There will be no peace to those who raise the sword in their vanity, pride, and rebellion! I will expose this nation’s nakedness, I will reveal her weakness. Her horses of iron and her machines of steel will be vulnerable to her enemies! The secrets of this nation’s strengths have been made known, her rearward has no guard! Her eyes have no sight, for her protection and prestige has taken flight!
I will expose this nation to the world! I will reveal the reason for My rejection, and I will be justified and glorified in the midst of the slaughter!
To My Church and My Bride, this is your time to abide within My Walls of protection and provision! This is your day of salvation, your hour of rescue. Be not be afraid of the terror that is coming. The shaking is not for breaking, but for awakening of those who slumber in Zion!
Wake up and arise, for the Lord of Hosts is coming to judge the nations!
(The scripture reference for this message is Isaiah 5)