Closing Time Question Yes Or No?
April 27, 2021 10:00 AM
April 24-25, 2021
Your day to day reality, in this world is so distracting, so engrossing you human beings have a hard time grasping the concept of eternity. For that is all it is to you, a distant concept. But it is a long time to pay the piper! And pay the piper you shall: every word, look, action, gesture, thought is a direction into eternity. In your Book of Life, all is recorded. All must be answered for and all will be addressed at your particular Judgment and the Bema Seat Judgment, by He who sits on at the right Hand of God The Father Almighty. Responsibility is absolute, irrevocable and stands for all time. Each day you move closer to your exit from this world, to find your place in eternity. God wants to welcome you home to where you originally came from, His Loving Arms, but He will never interfere with your own choice, your Human Will. It was a gift and stands for all time. When this life, this test is over, return to the One who made you in love and loves your forever as His own Sons & Daughters.