Cleave unto me
March 26, 2020
Patti Young
Being awake most of the night, feeling the presence of God surrounding me, I am praying and crying out for the people, the lost in the earth, the times that we are in, and of the changes that are occurring, this plague that has come upon a nation and the world. I begin to hear his voice, and the words he downloaded into my spirit. God alone is our hiding place❤🙏
Awakened, seeking God in the 2 a.m. hour,I hear him speak as l cry out unto him for the many.
Cleave unto me. I AM your Redeemer, I AM your source and supply, I AM your Healer. Cleave unto me, I would say unto a nation and a people. Cleave unto me as the darkness is now drawn in your midst. I will sustain you, for I AM your deliverer. Am not the one who sees all things before? Am I not the one who will stand in your midst in the fire and trials and tribulations of your life? It is the season to be drawn away from all those things that would occupy your life. Come, come sit at my feet and learn the things I will teach you. Repentance from all that is not of me, a contrite heart and lowly spirit I will not turn away, and in exchange I will offer you comfort and peace. Listen not to those who would draw you away from the things I offer you. Life everlasting, comfort in your trials, peace which passes all understanding. In the darkness I AM light. Come away I again say to a people and a nation, come away and let yourself be drawn away by my spirit and I will teach you of my ways of Life which are life sustaining