June 3, 2020 9:51 AM
YanKee Gal
June 3, 2020.
I dreamnt on old farmhouse, the screened porch a woman was laying down on the cement a new carpet. I noticed on iron table an old bible. I grabbed it. It was left there all those years. The cold had rotted the leather cover. I brought it inside and started to take it apart in layers. Also inside was a huge room lit up with baseball cards and bars of soap.
The bible cover was damaged. It was put together in sections. Inbetween the word of was added teachings of various ministers. I started to take it apart in layers. As I pulled it apart it was a total mess.
The sports cards showed wealth, the soap bars showed cleanliness that was not used.
Meaning of the dream: So we are to cleanse all false doctrines, teachings and wealth from our lives in obedience to the true word of God.
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