Clean White Garments
Nov 24, 2020, 5:43 PM
Belinda Wilson
This was a word the Lord Jesus gave me a couple of weeks ago and has impressed it upon me strongly tonight in prayer to share it:
I was lying in bed with my precious and beautiful holy grandchild age of 3, who loves Jesus very much.
She loves to sing for Him and her favorite song, which she has even sang at church as a solo, is “Waymaker.” She has been reared in the Sanctuary of the Lord all of her life since birth and was dedicated to the Lord at 8 days old. She has grown up dancing for the Lord and praising Him. It’s a beautiful thing to behold when she starts spinning in circles during her worship to Him. It is real and from the heart. Recently, her mother has backslidden and began drinking and smoking and having sexual immorality with a man she worked with. I say this to request sincere prayers for my daughter, her mother. She has stopped going to church entirely. And now the relationship with the man that led her astray into a backslidden condition has turned into a marriage. Before I even met him, because she knew I would not like him (her words). All very hasty. All at the neglect of her precious 3 year old daughter, whom I have kept since she was born while my daughter worked. I love her dearly. I pray for her protection.
As I previously stated, I was lying on the bed with my one and only grandchild. I was talking to her about angels watching over her and began to google images to show her of angels watching over children. One of my favorites is the angel that guards over the two small children crossing a broken bridge. As we were talking, I said that I would love to have a beautiful white pure holy robe like that of the angels. I told Zella that one day I hoped and prayed we would be counted worthy to wear gorgeus godly clothes like this in heaven and be as beautifully clothed as the angels. (In my heart and mind, I felt so unworthy in myself.) She loved the pictures and kept wanting to look at them and talk about angels until she fell asleep. After she did, the Lord quickened me in prayer and led me to read Zechariah 3:
He showed me Joshua the High Priest standing before the angel of the Lord, with Satan standing at his right to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan, “May the Lord rebuke you, Accuser! Indeed, may the Lord, who has made Jerusalem His choice, rebuke you! Isn’t this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?” Joshua was clothed in garments covered with dung; and he was standing before the angel, who said to those standing in front of him, “Take those filthy garments off of him.” Then to him he said, “See I am taking your guilt away, I will clothe you with fine robes.” I said, “They should put a clan turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and gave him fine robes to wear, while the angel of Adonai stood by. Then the angel of the Lord gave Joshua this warning, The Lord says this: “If you will walk in my ways, obey my commission, judge my house and guard my courtyard; then I will give you free access among these who are standing here.” (Verses 1-7)
I began to weep and cry as the Lord let me know that He had heard my longing wish voiced aloud to my grandchild about wanting to wear righteous pure clean robes of white like the angels, but knew I felt unclean and unworthy. How beautiful Jesus is and His robes of righteousness! He CAN remove our garments stained with sins and give us His holy robes of righteousness when we walk uprightly before Him in all sincerity and truth. We must redeem the time, for it is so very short, to make ourselves ready for our groom who is soon to come for His Bride all dressed in holy white waiting for Him. We CAN be ready for Him– Not of our own, but by His Blood. Thank you, sweet Jesus for your love and sacrifice for us to be made right and dressed in holy white to stand before you.
I love you, Lord. May all who love the Lord’s appearing pray and trust in Him to clothe you in white robes, holy and spotless. May we all meet in the air soon! In Jesus name. Amen! If you are alive, you have hope.
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