Dream, Obama

Christian re-education, Obama, Gaia – Suzanne Meier

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Christian re-education, Obama, Gaia

10/9/24 7:20 PM
Suzanne Meier

I’ve had four dreams from the Lord, but this one I believe should be shared.

On April 15th of 2022, I had the following dream:

I found myself in a modern day classroom with many other adult students. It was a beautiful, friendly, pleasant place—full of light. Each of us was seated before a computer to watch “lessons”. We were going to learn about GAIAM. It was a “civil” campaign to re-educate us according to their ideology. What that ideology was, I didn’t know. I remember sensing that the people who facilitated the training thought they were being compassionate towards us. I understood that the “training” was meant to condition us to discard Judeo/Christian theology, or any belief in a God who demands obedience from men (We must obey God rather than men, Acts 5:29).

I saw Barack Obama on the computer screen, welcoming us, smiling and giving instruction on how to navigate through the lessons along with a workbook. I actually heard his voice. Then I saw some people beginning the lessons. I would not start the lesson. I would not even touch the computer. I sensed I was in the presence of something dangerous. I stood up and rather than turn and run, I slowly backed out of the classroom into a large lobby area. I was soon joined by many others who had also left the classrooms until the lobby was packed with frightened people. We all moved briskly towards the front exit. Once outside in the parking lot, I looked up to my right and saw a great shaking of the trees as if a dinosaur were crashing through them. Suddenly, an enormous lion pounced out of the trees onto the parking lot. Everyone scattered. I didn’t hear people screaming, but I knew they were screaming. I didn’t hear the lion roar, but I knew he was roaring. While the others ran away, I hid somewhere near the building to watch him. I was astonished, but I wasn’t afraid. When I woke up, I wondered about the lion. I believe he represented the devil, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

What intrigued me even more was the crystal clear GAIAM logo that I saw on the computer screen. Prior to this dream, I didn’t know anything about Gaia. From their website, Gaiam (pronounced “GUY-um”) is a fusion of “Gaia”, the name of the Ancient Greek Mother goddess—and “ I am”.


I questioned if I had read or watched anything on TV the night before that pertained to end times or dystopian themes, and I had not. I wrote down the dream as I saw it, and what I sensed as a character within the dream. It was clear, colorful and detailed, like a movie. In the dream I knew it was the real Obama, but he may have been a symbol for the antichrist spirit.

I believe this dream is a warning for us in line with what Jesus said about the end-times (Matthew 24:4-11). He didn’t tell his disciples they should stock up on food and water, but rather the priority was to “see to it that no one deceives you.” (No matter how important and respected they are in the world).

Psalm 146:3 Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save.

Suzanne Meier

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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