Testimony, Vision, Word

Christ Started to Rebuild His Church! – Eunice Park

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Christ Started to Rebuild His Church!

Febuary 12, 2024 9:41 PM
Eunice Park

I’m so excited to share this, brothers and sisters. I sense our Lord has started rebuilding His church! The invisible supernatural church of the last days! One church with One Head, Christ, for all the world!

On January 3rd, 2021, I was put to sleep, feeling unexplainable peace, after seeing something white like a blanket falling onto me. Then, I heard an authoritative voice. It said, “I WILL REBUILD MY CHURCH. Right away, I woke up.

But so far, I didn’t really know how. It was foggy to me. In the meantime, Lord “unusually” confirmed me about Terry Bennett and Terry says he recently met Christ for four days and Jesus let him announce that Lord started actions to rebuild His church and He is raising apostles!

Like a flash, I suddenly understood the word heard three years ago.
I sense that strongly. The supernatural church that David Wilkerson saw. It is us! This global invisible church will have true head, our Jesus Christ! God’s kingdom isn’t a place to go, only when we die. Heaven will be made among us! With Christ full in us, we will love and forgive each other, share without any calculations, no one lower, no one higher.

I had a miracle of coins when 13. My mother forbade me from going to church, since I went three times a week and she got worried about my school grade. I was taking bible to school and took many to church. We were reading bible during break and talked about Jesus to others. Seeing that, school teachers got worried also and threatened to dispel me from school. One day, my mother didn’t give me money for ticket to go to Wednesday service. I prayed for coins(170 won, Korean currency) for one way subway ticket. After prayer, the exact amount of coins appeared in front of me.

Next year, I become 53 and it will be 40 years. I anticipate to see greater miracles than coins, greater works of the Holy Spirit. Threat of this world, economy fall, war, persecution, death. They don’t matter now. If we become in this one body under Christ, nothing will stop us. The whole world won’t stop us! Let’s die, so only Christ lives in us!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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