Choices, Choices, Choices
10/4/24 3:49 PM
As I go thru the myriads of people, I find few who are ready to enter my Kingdom. The hustle and bustle of everyday life takes the front row seat.
Most go day by day repeating the same motions with little variation. Sleep, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, and television (or computers) seem to be the formula that works for many.
How often do you speak with me? How often do you read your bible? How often do you listen to others that have been given message by me? How often do you pray? Do you pray for what I can give you or your family, or do you pray for others less fortunate than you? What are your priorities in life and are they self-directed? Have you donated something that might change someone’s life? Have you stopped to talk with a stranger just to brighten their day? Do all the toys and goodies you get make you fulfilled or do you move on to the next “thing” you need to make yourself happy?
Choices, choices, choices everything is a choice in life. Who are you when all is said and done? Do you love your neighbor like yourself? Do you love me with all your heart, soul, and mind?
These are the questions you might ponder for they may be asked of you one day, not too far in the future.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos