Changes Coming to Your World
January 15, 2021 2:15 PM
On 1.13.21 I was given this message. Then today 1.15.21 I woke up to the name ‘Pelosi’ which was already contained in the message given but which reaffirmed what I had received earlier. The world is watching to see what will happen in the American political arena in the coming week as the January 20, 2021 Inauguration date draws near. Change is no doubt coming to the world but even more so to the nation of America. The message follows.
Daughter the time has come to speak of changes coming to your world. The stage is being set as the drama unfolds, a new narrative so to speak. Pelosi your congressional leader will fall by the wayside as will many of her cronies and cohorts. Evil will have its day but so too will My hand of justice move upon your nation’s capitol. I am not so far removed from man that I cannot see the evil intents of their heart. I Am that I Am.
Soon you will see insurrection, the rise of political subterfuge, riots, looting, anarchy, chaos – all that has been predestined and predetermined by the enemy, the evil one whose goal is to thwart the ambitions and will of the people. Remain in Me, abide in Me sayeth the Lord. My will be done upon this earth – My creation. So many have forgotten who I Am is yet there will be a time soon when all will know of Me. Even the reprobates who desire evil in their hearts know of Me but answer to their father the devil.
Evil will become more pronounced in the days to come. Your nation’s capitol will fall from grace as I have removed My hand of protection from your country America. Save but for the few who pay homage to Me your nation would be utterly defenseless. I am your strong armor, I am your shield of protection. Seek Me in the days to come as your country revolts – the so called bad actors wreaking havoc and mayhem upon the masses. Look not to the right nor to the left but to Me your Savior, your Lord. I Am that I Am. As your world crumbles and decays into oblivion – when your governments fail, your churches fail, your economic status fails from the internal strife and chaos – I will be with you. Seek Me now in My Word, spend time with Me in the secret place of the Most High. I will be with you always children until the end. Believe in Me, put all your faith and hope in Me alone. As your world crumbles look to Me – the sure foundation, the rock, the anchor in the storm. I Am that I Am. Come children for a little while longer as your world undergoes change. I never change. I am the same always. I Am. I Was from time immemorial. Seek Me! Look to Me in all things! Have faith in Jesus Christ Who Was and Is and Is to Come. I go now children to prepare a place for My own.
Amen Amen It Is So
Let it be done according to the Will of He who sits upon the throne
I come soon upon the clouds of glory
Amen and Amen
Maranatha I come
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