Warning, Word

Celebrate Halloween in hell, Christian – Steve Holmes

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Celebrate Halloween in hell, Christian

10/22/24 8:49 PM
Steve Holmes

God has used me to give the same warning year after year of the evils of Halloween. This year, 2024, he has a new message, and he’s not “pulling punches.”

Oct 21, 2024

The Lord told me to tell you that he has had it with Christians involving kids in Halloween. He said it’s Satan worship, it corrupts children’s souls, and he’s going to send Christians to hell for refusing to repent of it and continuing to practice it, especially in the church, no matter what you modify it’s name to (eg, “trunky or treat”). He has warned by his spirit, his word, and now by his servants. If you refuse those 3 avenues of correction, you are impossible to correct and implacable towards him, thus you are committing the unpardonable sin of blasphemy against his holy spirit, for which there is no forgiveness because there is no repentance.

He said the days of Annanias and Saphira, Korah and his band, sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and those at the time of Noah will now result in death and damnation, sometimes immediate. But he will no longer allow his name to be mocked by his supposed children. If you continue to worship Satan even one day per year or teach children to do so, even subtly, you are an unrepentant sinner in rebellion against God and you are heading for eternal damnation.

Got it? Disregard that warning at your own peril. I have been sent by him with that fresh message, his rod of correction, authority to use it, and direct knowledge of the consequences. I stand blameless in doing what he has commanded of me. Do you? Remember that neither Annanias or Saphira, who were Christians, made it out the door alive after telling a little white lie, when they could have just been honest and God wouldn’t have cared. So consider how much greater is the sin of stumbling one of God’s little children by approving of and engaging them in a Satanic holiday.

Selah- and repent if you have ever engaged children in this abomination. It’s not an innocent fun time for kids: it is an intentional opening for Satan to come into children’s lives with his continuing rebellion against God, and that destroys their souls for eternity. It’s time for judgment to begin in God’s house, and so it’s accountability time before God. Heed the warning- believe me, his anger over this is at the point of a supernova. So take heed to your mocking and scoffing at God, seriously repent and refuse to be an avenue for and an instigator and facilitator of kids eventually ending up in hell.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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