
Can Wisdom Be Found? – Brian Ethier

Can Wisdom Be Found?

March 26, 2022 2:12 PM
Brian Ethier

I am a scientist of high education and of world renown,
And for over fifty years now I’ve been searching every city and every town;
Seeking that most elusive charm to enlighten me even if one day,
But no matter how I try, wisdom, it never comes my way.

In rocket ships, in submarines, the deepest mines and still I didn’t find,
I’ve visited heads of state, kings and queens, I certainly must be blind;
Then one day I dusted off my Holy Bible which I had never read,
And it soon made me realize the kind of life that I had led.


For She is forever at play delighting the human kind,
Always proclaiming Truth, Her advice you certainly can mind;
Discretion and lucidity of thought, now that’s what She brings,
O Perceptive Princess of Wisdom, O Radiant Path to all things.

After my latest research and repenting I will now gladly admit,
That it is to our Father Yahuah and His Son that we must all submit;
The wonderful gift of prayer but my long quest for wisdom has made me lose my hair,
And now I must take a much needed rest in my rocking chair.


Discretion and lucidity of thought, now that’s what She brings,
O Perceptive Princess of Wisdom, O Radiant Path, O Radiant Path,
O Radiant Path to all things!


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