Call on me while I may be found – Angela Garciá

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Call on me while I may be found

August 23, 2022 11:57 PM
Angela Garciá

Rcv’d 8/23 pray for discernment and understanding (Acts 2:17)

I call them to repentance! They listen not, AM I not a God of forgiveness? Is it really so hard to repent and walk with me? AM I not worthy? Is this world more important than your Heavenly Father? Understand my call! Who do you say I AM?! You know me Not! Lip service with a cold heart as your heart is only on fire for this world. You run to the iniquities never giving thought to my heart. The heart break my children. Understand my word, I call my children to repentance! Leave the iniquities! Understand the reason for judgment and do not question my motives but understand I come to awaken the hearts to my ways! I warned and none listened Nor cared to. My ways are higher than your understanding. Learn my ways know my heart. Seek my heart I AM the only way, truth and eternal life! Put down the false Gods of this world I AM the only God you need seek me NOW!

Your eternal Father

The only way

Yeshua Hamashiach

Jesus the Christ

I AM that I AM

How Great I AM!


Acts 3:19, 2Chronicles7:14

Colossians 1:10, 3:13,

Isaiah 59:7, 29:13, 55:6-9

1 Peter 4:17, John 14:6

Exodus 20:2-3

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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