My remnant is ready. He prepares himself, perseveres. He will not be surprised. Wait, sail. They are obedient. They reflect My love and My light. They are saved for Me … Your beloved husband.
Message from the Lord, received: Sabrina Adamo., Argentina, today, May 15, 2018
California! California! You will be brought down, your pay for sin is.
California you have disobeyed, cradle of wolves, snakes, perversity.
This is your judgment. Your foundations fall. The time is. You have already been notified.
California you sink, you sink. The fault is activated.
You’ve been a murderer, your secrets are. Nothing is hidden to me. The waves arrive, flood … devastation. California California, is the warning for what is coming!
It’s an attack, it’s an attack, you do not end up raising it, you drop America again. Listen America! Repent! I come with My sword and My judgment on you.
Not to Mine! … To Mine I keep them! … I take them!
Shake daughter from the dust of your feet, you have watched. The time is. The labor pains begin to be stronger.
Just obey me! … Give a warning voice, otherwise your blood will fall on you.
I hear their teasing, I hear their disbelief .. they say:
“That does not say in My word” …
I say: you do not understand! Because my Holy Spirit does not dwell in you!
Better hurry up, repent and take care of me …
I answer, cry! Cry !.
Children be warned, very bad time. Prepare yourselves My beloved ones, My little ones … Soon we will be together !!!
Israel, Israel is My people, My church. Wake up! Get out of the deception. Doctrines of men … My word is interpreted by my Holy Spirit! … There is no other way!
My remnant is ready. He prepares himself, perseveres. He will not be surprised. Wait, sail. They are obedient. They reflect My love and My light. They are saved for Me … Your beloved husband.
The Spirit and the wife say: come Lord Jesus! Yes, come soon.