By this time tomorrow: Repent
May 12, 2021 7:22 AM
May 12, 2021, 4:57am:
In the middle of my sleep the Lord woke me up and told me to write. Please ask Him for confirmation.
This was His message:
Give up what you have and sell to the poor, then come follow me.
Thus says the Lord of hosts, take up your cross and follow me.
Listen to the words my servant is writing. Write this down.
By this time tomorrow Repent.
It is finished thus says the Lord.
I’m coming now.
Hold tight to the Father’s footstool.
Here it comes.
Ready or not.
Brace and just keep bracing.
The storm will not pass.
Hold fast to Jesus she says.
Groceries no where to be found.
Did you listen to my warnings to prepare?
You’re almost out of time.
Repent now and cry out to me.
Who knows, I might leave a blessing…
Write this down.
These are my words not yours.
Who am I?
Am I a man that I should lie?
I am Not!
I am the Lord of truth.
Come to me and drink from the living waters.
Come to me and find peace.
You must come with all your heart.
Be prepared to meet me at all times.
You never know what I will do.
I come like a thief in the night for my loves.
Who are you, the sinner or the saint?
By this time tomorrow be ready.
(5am (EDT) for reference.)