"He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar, and will whistle to them from the end of the earth; surely they shall come with speed, swiftly." (Isaiah 5: 26)
Aliyah is the return of the Jewish people to the land that was promised to them through their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Aliyah is holy to the God of Israel. (Isaiah 11: 11-12)
God made a blood sealed covenant with Abraham, promising to him and his descendants the land of Israel. (Psalm 105: 6-11)
God’s name is profaned when the Jewish people live outside of Israel. (Ezekiel 39: 7)
God is calling the Church to help bring the Jewish people home to Israel. (Isaiah 49: 22)
Anti-Semitism continues to escalate here in America and around the world. In response, God is increasing the volume of His warning for His Chosen People to return to Israel. (Jeremiah 16: 16)
On the morning of March 23 of this year, I received a flash vision. I saw the Lord Yeshua Ha Mashiach dressed in a blue and white robe. He handed me a paper scroll. I understood the message that He wanted me to give to His Chosen People in America and throughout the world.
Several years ago, I was lamenting to Him about the slowness of the ingathering of the Diaspora. I expressed fear that there would be a Holocaust in the United States even worse than what happened in Nazi Germany during World War II. When the Antichrist gains control in America, he will begin forcing Jews and born-again Christians into the FEMA camps. There, they will have to decide between taking his mark (resulting in eternal damnation) or suffering decapitation.
A few days later, He gave me an amazing dream. He showed me a picture of a horse-drawn carriage that reminded me of the story of Cinderella. I was given the understanding that He would bring about a supernatural Aliyah of His Chosen People as they each faced the final moments of their lives.
A few years ago, I came across an excellent channel on You Tube authored by Chris Rae. It is called “Bible Code Theory Research.” His recent posting entitled “The Coming American Holocaust” provides confirmation to this word of wisdom on Aliyah.
An organization here in the States that is very faithful to the difficult work of Aliyah is called “Operation Exodus U.S.A.” They can be reached at (877) 633-7613. Their website is https://operationexodususa.org/.
Did you know that there have only been 20 deaths from the Coronavirus in Israel as of March 31, 2020? That is a miracle considering Israel’s population of nearly 9.2 million people.
Joel Richardson makes some thoughtful observations in his book: When A Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really Says about Israel in the Plan of God.
“Today, as we look back two thousand years to Paul’s warning (Romans 9 thru 11), a terrifying reality immediately grips us. When we take an honest look at the Gentile-dominated Christian Church throughout its history, right up to this present day, most believers have utterly failed to heed Paul’s warnings. The vast majority of the Church from very early on, from the top down, fell headlong into wrong ideas and arrogance toward unbelieving Israel. How quickly they forgot about the promises of God and Israel’s ongoing role in His plan! And the results have been horrific.
One of the results of the Church’s ignorance of Israel’s role in the plan of God is the profound blindness of much of the Church concerning unfolding prophecy. Many Christians have heard of “the sons of Issachar,” mentioned in 1 Chronicles 12: 32. We are told that they were “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.” Today the Church is in desperate need of understanding concerning the times and the ability to properly respond. The Jewish prophets, apostles, and Jesus Himself have given us such a profound gift in that their words contain a tremendous amount of information concerning what we will witness in the days ahead. Throughout the pages of Scripture, the future, like the past, is laid out in great detail on a divinely revealed timeline. Understanding the times and recognizing where we are on this timeline is of tremendous strategic benefit to the Church as it seeks to fulfill its divine mandate. But when the Church fails to acknowledge and recognize the consistent thread of the people and the land of Israel that runs through the entire timeline, it quickly becomes distorted beyond all understanding, resulting in a thick fog of confusion settling over the vision of the Church. Such is the state of the Church today. This timeline, the great strategic blueprint that the Lord has given to His people, has essentially been scribbled over, defaced with the errant doctrines (Replacement Theology and Dual Covenant Theology) of a Gentile-dominated Church. Not only are vast segments of the Church fundamentally unaware of where they presently sit on God’s prophetic timeline; many reject the idea that such a clear timeline even exists. If the Church is to ever truly blow the fog away, if it is to ever regain the clarity and prophetic spirit it needs to navigate the dark days ahead, then it must both identify and thoroughly reject those false doctrines and wrong ideas that crept into the Church early on. This process of cleansing must begin by acknowledging Israel as the essential thread that runs throughout the Lord’s unfolding promise-plan of redemption.”
The God of Israel still faithfully watches over His precious 6.8 million Chosen People in America. Please join me in praying and fasting for their soon Aliyah. (Numbers 6: 24-26)
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”