
Bride of Christ Inheritance Awaits! – Justin Adkinson

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Bride of Christ Inheritance Awaits!

1/30/25 10:01 PM
Justin Adkinson

January 28, 2025

Your Inheritance Awaits! Be Ready!

“…THE HOUR IS COME, that the Son of man should be glorified.” John 12:23 (Confirmation scriptures 23-26)

I was not expecting the Lord to speak direct words to me today but he did. I will do my due diligence and ask for confirmation. Please seek the Lord regarding all that is said here and ask him to reveal anything hidden in your heart. His love for all mankind is greater than we may realize. The moment in time where he comes for his bride is fast approaching. All things are lining up with his word right before our eyes. I share not for likes, but for souls to be saved. Myself included in all messages I have been given to share by the Holy Spirit. He works on my own heart first so that I can share what is given to me with a clean heart.

Here are the words from the Lord this morning.


Many are in the wilderness being tested and tried. This will bring about their salvation as they persevere not in their own strength but in mine. They are my bride which has little strength. I am with them that cry out to me. I hear their tears as they cry for their loved ones who are still in love with this world thinking nothing is changing. Everything has changed and I am now ready to take home my bride. Hold onto me and come to me in your prayer closet when given the unction to do so. I am right where you are. I have never left you or forsaken you even when you fall into sin. Repent and turn from your wicked ways because I will come at a time you think not.

Be about my Father’s business and not your own will. I tell you this so that you will not fall into temptation so easily. When I come for my bride, I want all to be spotless and blameless. Get your garments ready by spending time with me and getting your lamps filled with oil. The oil is in my word that many do not spend time in because they wait on someone to tell them what it says. I am the only one you need to teach you the truth. Many are being deceived in these last moments because my enemy is roaming about seeking whom he may devour and it’s the lukewarm that are being devoured. That is why I require a full surrender of your will and life. I am the great I AM. There is no other. Why do you hesitate to come spend time with me? Was not my death on the cross enough for you? What more do you need from me so you can come freely every day to spend time with me?

I long to be near you my bride. I am only coming for the few who long to be with me more than being in this world. I see the hearts of those who still are holding onto this world and desiring to live a longer life in pleasures. This world is not your home and I have made a place for you to spend eternity with me. Why does this world entice you more than what I have promised you? Does the enemy of your soul still have strongholds in your life? Come to me and I will set you free. Freedom is simple. All I ask from you is to give me your heart. In your heart is wickedness but I can change that to have love for all mankind as I do. If you harbor unforgiveness you will die in your sin and will end up in the pit for all eternity. This is why I send my messengers to warn you to separate yourself from this world and repent.

Please come out of this world my children. I want no one to perish and that is why I have waited so long to take my bride home. My Father knows the day and hour that this will occur and many will not be prepared. Many will wonder why they were left. I will tell you again out of my love for you. Repent. This was the first thing I spoke after coming out of the wilderness and it is the same thing today. You must repent before it’s too late for your soul.

Major destruction is coming. Fire is coming upon your wicked cities and just as my word warns you, I will make them desolate for their unrepentant sins. This is not your judgment bride. But you must prepare your garments in my grace, mercy, and forgiveness while you still have light. Soon darkness will cover this earth. You will not be able to come to me when the light is removed. Fill your lamps with oil now as this could be your final warning.

I use those who are willing vessels. I do not use those who have hardened hearts to hearing the truth that is shared here by my watchman. He will share this word when the time comes and it will not be long after that the trumpet will sound. Pay attention to the signs all around you. Do not fall back asleep and become lukewarm in your heart. No one will deceive me with unrepentant sins. I know all who refuse to repent because they believe the lies of man and their doctrines of demons. My grace is enough but you must repent and turn away from your sin. I will not and cannot allow you into my kingdom with spots and blemishes because you refuse to hear the truth regarding my love for you. I warn because I love you my bride.

Few will enter through the narrow gate because wide is the road that many in my church are on that will lead them to destruction. Doctrines of demons has entered your hearts and I will not tolerate a dirty bride who lives for themselves and loves this world. If you can’t repent and forgive one another, then you are not mine. I give you these stern words because I love you. If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t send you my watchman to warn. I wouldn’t try to prepare you to be spotless and filled with oil like the wise virgins were. That is why I tell you this now. The time of my coming is at hand.

There is no more time! Wake up my bride and prepare yourself. Wake up before it’s too late! You do not have any more time on your hands to believe the lies from my enemy. He is your enemy that hates you and will take you to the pit when I say, Depart from me for I never knew you.


Confirmation scriptures to read with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. These are the last days of the church age of grace. This could be the final warning for the church.


Isaiah 62:5 – You are the bride of Christ. Know who you are in Christ.

Revelation 19:7 – Marriage supper has come and the bride of Christ has made herself ready.

Revelation 22:17 – The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ say COME!

2 Corinthians 11:2 – God’s love for you is more than you realize.


Mark 1:12-15 – Persevere through your trials and stand boldly in Jesus Christ. Repent! He is coming!


Isaiah 22:12 – A call to weeping and mournful over sin.

Jeremiah 25:5 – Turn from evil.

Ezekiel 14:6 – Turn from idols and abominations.

Ezekiel 18:31 – Cast away transgression and receive a new heart and new spirit.

Ezekiel 33:11 – The wicked must turn from evil to live.

Daniel 4:27 – Break off sins by righteousness.

Hosea 14:2 – Turn to the Lord for forgiveness.

Joel 2:12 – Turn to the Lord with all your heart and with fasting, weeping and mourning.

Malachi 3:7 – Return back to the Lord.

Matthew 3:2 – Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Luke 13:2-3 – Repent or perish.

Acts 3:19 – Repent so your sins are blotted out and you are then refreshed in the presence of the Lord.

Acts 8:22 – Repent of wickedness so God can forgive.

Acts 17:30 – All are to REPENT!

Acts 26:20 – Repent and DO WORKS proving your repentant heart.


I am now instructed to share something the Lord gave me in 2023. He knows the reason why and who this word is for in these last days. I share out of obedience. May this reach the right person to encourage and warn all who have ears to hear.

May 9, 2023

The Church as the Bride of Christ

——The word of the Lord was given directly to me and for me on May 9, 2023. Now (2025) is the time to share what was said. This word is for the bride of Christ and a warning to all who have ears to hear.——

I am with you Justin. Stay focused on me. I have you under the shadow of my wings. No weapon or words formed or spoken against you will prosper. I am all you need to get through any circumstance or hardship. Have faith in me and not in yourself. My wisdom is greater than yours. I will guide and direct you if you allow me to.

Remember all that I have shown you in my word. Apply it all to your life and watch what I the Lord God Almighty, who is for you, will do on your behalf. You are my watchman. I am your only needed validation. Many you know and love do not believe the calling I have put on your life. This does not matter as I am by your side each and every day to speak words for you to share. Warn them to repent when I give you instructions to do so. Many will refuse to listen but many others with open hearts to hear my voice will take heed and save their soul from the pit.

Don’t give up on those you love. Pray without ceasing and I will answer you. They will come to repentance but for some it may be in their final moments on earth. Others will not have time to cry out my name. But you are to continue warning until I call you home.

You know the time it is and how close you are to my return for my bride. The destruction of this nation you live in will cause the world to reel to and fro like a drunkard. It will be sudden destruction and fire upon all the wicked. Tell them to repent!

Today is the day the Lord has made for all to come to repentance! There is no more time. I will send fire from above upon the cities and I will make them desolate! This will be the end of freedom in this world. The antichrist is ready to take control of all living. But first I must remove my remnant who have little strength left.

My faithful who warn all to repent will be taken home to rest. No more turmoil and sadness. No more sickness and death! Trust in me and I will come for you my son. Do not worry about tomorrow because I go before you to make your path straight.

Bring all things to me and I will cover you. Pray about everything and be still to know I am God. You do not need to fear anything your eyes may see. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.


“Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” Proverbs 30:5 KJV

“After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram(Bride of Christ): I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” Genesis 15:1 KJV

“Our soul waiteth for the LORD: He is our help and our shield.” Psalm 33:20 KJV

“For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11 KJV


Justin Adkinson

A watchman until I am called home

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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