
Blow Your Trumpets – Patti Young

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Blow Your Trumpets

June 15, 2023 8:18 PM
Patti Young

I began to hear the Lord speak. ” Bemoan oh ye earth, bemoan for my coming and the unveiling of my Ones of Truth will be unveiled, revealed unto the earth.

Cries shall be heard throughout the nations and all throughout the land, HE’S COME, THE KING HAS COME, BEHOLD HE COMES WITH A VENGEANCE PREPARING HIS KINGDOM TO COME.

I say unto my own, enter into your secret places until my day and time of indignation passes, for I come with fire and justice in my right hand, just as it rained fire on Sodom And Gomorrah I shall pour out my wrath and my anger to cleanse the earth of its abominations towards me and my name.

Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way, blow your trumpets, blow your horns and bang your cymbols, for dancing shall be in the streets with jubilee and joy and thunderings for my people, for these are the ones who will inherit the earth, and I shall sit on my throne in Jerusalem and rule forevermore.

Kings and kingdoms shall all bow down unto me for am I not Lord over all?

Rejoice my weary ones for my word is true and I say my house will be purified and Holy unto me.

Holy, Holy, Holy and Righteous am I, who can compare. Rejoice I say, for the day of my coming draws nigh.

Then I had a vision of a beautiful white horse and the Lord drew my eyes to the reigns on this horse and they were the hands of Jesus, they were pierced and beautiful and the wind gently was blowing the horses mane, and I noticed there was an army of horses behind Jesus and they were watching his hand to give the signal to come forward, it was time.

The horse was spotless and beautiful, glory shone all on it.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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