Ali Winters
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Blind eyes…millions have blind eyes.
Blind to the things that surround them. Temptations that will take them further and further away from God. Tricks of the devil disguised as light to bring happiness, success and well being. Opportunities that will call for compromise; compromise that will lead to deception, deception that will lead to heartache and separation from God. These are the ways of satan, yet man is blinded by the promises seeing not the peril.
The man of sin will one day be revealed, will it be soon, is it years away…are you ready for whatever comes? Will you praise God in lack as you praise Him in plenty? Will you praise when all seems lost, when hope is gone and strength fails? Will your faith be strong enough to withstand the temptations, the tricks, the opportunities for a better life, will you compromise will you be deceived? Has your faith been tested, are you battle scared yet thankful, are you prepared for the test?
The LORD has come to give sight to the blind, to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. What will it take o man for you to come to realize that apart from God you are lost and condemned to torment in the lake of fire that burns forever? Has prideful arrogance and self determination robbed you of The Saviour’ gift of forgiveness and love? What will it take o man, what will it take?
ali at 1:57 PM