Prophecy, Vision, Word

Birth Vision and Rhema – Sarah

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Birth Vision and Rhema

9/6/24 9:48 AM

Given 9/1/24 thru 9/6/24

Shared 10:45 am 9/6/24

(Note: The Lord confirmed what He has been showing me. After hearing this word from Evangelist Anita Martir Rivera, Abba told me to share. Holy Spirit is unifying His children and teaching us many similar things in these days.

Evangelist Rivera’s video:

Something is about to take place that will cause “great fear to come upon them”)

Birthing vision shown 9/1/24

Many births occurring or about to. In my own life (intense fiery darts have been hitting me, bringing up carnal emotions and flesh that I must deny… from offense that is still in me (when I see a woman or child treated like objects, for example), or memories from the past, the bad to rise up rejection, and the good ones to bring those carnal emotions of wistfulness. I don’t want to look back, but forward to the light, to be birthed out of the flesh-hold. Perfected by The Author of, and Finisher of, my faith.

The vision was a birth, then Father God holding the child’s hand, as Father promises to hold our hand, pulling the child up to Heaven, and the residue, the dust of rejection of people etc., the desire to sin and the roots of curses falling off as like a backpack attached to the back of the child’s white garment that is peeled off backwards, as if off of a Velcro strip, the sin and flesh fall away as the child is lifted into Heaven. He will wash the birthing gunk off of the child once for all.

Many are in this process as they seek The Lord and some are filled with His Spirit for the first time.

The world is laboring to give birth also, and many people are understanding the connection with God’s work with His sheep.


Hear oh children! You MUST break emotional agreements and sentimentality with the flesh and the world… satan/antichrist spirit will use all attachment to the world and sin to trip us and cause us to be born dead when I, Jesus, return.

Repent now, make straight the path of your heart… prepare for the New Thing… Satan does not know everything at all, in fact he has not My Spirit therefore he has not My wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fear of The Lord, nor has he my fruit which are not like the carnal emotions of the flesh.

Why fear him and not Me, Creator of your soul? Why fear people who have not My Spirit abiding in them? Are they not foolish, for they refuse to give up their sin in fear of Me, they do not ‘believe’ that I hate sin and darkness as I state over and over.

Am I not The Potter? If a wayward bit of clay refuses to mold into what I desire for it to, do you think it is unjust for the Potter to smash that disobedient clay? Yea, I create beautiful things not compromised, filthy things that have no function in My Kingdom, those who love darkness and their carnal self give Me no pleasure.

Apart from Me you have nothing, no function, when you act on your own – refusing to answer My call to you to seek Me …sacrifice vacation time to do so, do what it takes to hear My Voice and obey what I tell you to do… if you keep refusing My Voice calling you to seek Me, you will die, for you will have chosen to cut yourself off from My nourishment, like an infant in the womb removing itself from the umbilical cord. If you remain in your pride, you love the intellect and talents I gave you more than you love Me, you will be born dead. YOU NEED MY MANNA IN ORDER TO LIVE.

This world and all in it will one day pass away completely and never be remembered. There will no more be tears for them who are Mine. The pains here will be forgotten JUST AS A WOMAN FORGETS HER LABOR PAINS WHEN SHE SEES HER NEWBORN INFANT, YOU WILL FORGET ALL THE PAIN, THE TRIALS, THE ENEMY ATTACKS, THE BETRAYALS, THE FLESH FIGHT. NONE OF THIS WORLD WILL BE REMEMBERED.

You, like Abraham, seek a BETTER COUNTRY. And those who seek Me with all their heart will also find Me and My Heaven with Me.

If you do not want to be with Me, then I can’t have you in My Heaven with Me. If you keep ignoring My calling you, telling you to witness to that person, take into your home that homeless person who loves Me, write a letter to that pastor who embraces sin and wounds the victims… if you sleep just a little longer instead of getting up in the middle of the night when I wake you to seek Me on Your face… does someone love you if they ignore you? How can you say you love Me, when you keep ignoring Me and refuse to repent and walk by faith? Why should I put My Holy Spirit into someone who is double minded when I said there is no lukewarmness in My Body? Holiness does not mix with darkness. Purge and overcome and ask Me to help you. I will defeat the enemy in and through you, and I will abide in you. Your choice.

Do you WANT Me to cleanse you? If you are not washed, you are not clean. Fear of The Lord is clean, enduring forever. Your carnal mind is to be washed with Word, your heart cleansed as though purged with fire… so you have SINGLENESS OF HEART… only love for Me and My ways.

Do you not know that I AM The fountain of Life? My Word is Life… all other apart from Me is death.

If you do not believe on Me with 100% of you …

If you do not deny the death teachings you were born into, and are still being fed dirty water by sinful mortals who are not ordained by Me… then you DENY ME BEFORE MEN. DISOBEDIENCE IS DECLARING BEFORE MEN THAT YOU DENY ME.

Did My Holy Spirit install the man or did he install himself? FRUIT CHECK, this is not judging (see how the rotted to the core satanic lukewarm church teaches…

I said to take the bit out of your brother’s eye still, after you humble your own self… but to see that your brother has a speck is NOT JUDGING. DO NOT WALK AROUND IGNORING THE NAKED …meaning many think they know Me, but they only know a false god because they trust in people (disobeying Me) and they obey the commands of men (disobeying Me) and they still obey the Law as though I never came in the flesh so that My Spirit would live in those who obey Me. Many who say they know Me are naked in their sin.

Oh My Love covers a multitude of sin. My Word is for correction and rebuke, don’t because you LOVE the person and want their soul to know Me. Come, know My Father, you call to them. That is all you can do, they will make their choice. How do you know whether you might snatch one out of the flames, out of their nakedness (sin/rebellion) before Me. Die to your carnal emotions, even your grief at those who betray you, even unto death JUST LIKE THE MARTYRS OF OLD WERE BETRAYED TO DEATH IN THE ARENAS BY THEIR OWN FAMILIES BECAUSE MINE REFUSED TO DENY ME…I AM YOUR COMFORTER. All carnal things will not be in My Heaven. Don’t let your carnal emotions cause you to stumble when people reject you as you take a stand for Me. I said you will face opposition. But I AM WITH MINE.

The accursed false gospel promoters… could be you if you believe sin is okay, to put sin before your children’s eyes is okay, etc. “If I do this, my sin is overlooked” so they say in their heart. They take confirmation not from Me, but from their carnal emotions, which I said walk by My Spirit (fruit) and not by the carnal flesh. Most believers still rely on their carnal feelings…. The heart is deceived.

Do not trust in your own self and thinking and understanding. Going to church FEELS good, it pleases all those people who tell you that you must do this or that…

YET THESE FALSE CHURCHES DO NOT tell you to seek Me with your heart, do you not understands that I don’t need your fancy church clothes, tithes, false worship –( if you have not as far as you are able to make peace with offenders as I lead, your worship is not heard by Me, I do not answer the prayers of the proud disobedient who love their carnal flesh and this world more that ME, Who Created all these things.)

You come out of church FEELING JUSTIFIED.

Where did I say My salvation is based on FEELINGS?

My Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in My Spirit. With My Spirit you have fear of The Lord and Understanding and Wisdom etc. (ISAIAH)… with these you can understand WHY apart from humble, loving obedience (fear of The Lord) you cannot know Me.

You cannot have my eye salve, I WILL NOT OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS if you do not turn from your wickedness… the churches cut out parts of Bible verses that mention My Holy Spirit and if you don’t walk according to My Spirit you DON’T HAVE MY PROMISES, FOR YOU ARE NOT MINE (John – you are none of Mine if you don’t have Me in you, that is the True Gospel… apart from Me you can do nothing nothing that pleases Me and you will be born dead.)

Blasphemers will have no place with Me, only those who humble as a little child, who are respectful in fear of My strength as a toddler admires her Father’s strength and trusts in Him. Your god of self must be knocked off its pedestal. I will help you overcome your carnality if you SEEK ASK KNOCK.

The world is going thru birth pangs and they are getting closer together meaning the birth is about to take place.

I want to find faith in the earth and I won’t find it unless Mine are attached to ME, Word of God … New Covenant is MY WORD ON YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS… if your carnal self is not dead and submitted to ME, WORD, you will not be able to fend off the enemy.

I said SUBMIT TO GOD, then resist the enemy and he will flee. You have zero authority apart from Me. I ALONE HAVE AND AM AUTHORITY. Come to the well of Truth/Father’s Word and drink.

The enemy will not flee because you stand in our own strength, shouting at him. I didn’t have to shout at demons. Satan does not fear people of flesh, of the world, who are already dead while they live – for they live for pleasure of their carnal self, they choose to ignore Me.

Every spirit I have created has a choice.

Obey Me, or don’t. If your SELF is not denied, then you DENY ME, for My disciples and brethren obey Father. Those who are not part of The Family do not obey Father. They hate Him and His ways and they ignore His call to them to turn from darkness and to not partake in the sins of others but to turn away from such and have nothing to do with those who say they love Me and DO NOT WALK WITH MY FRUIT OF LOVE. I told you to discern. Mine will know them by their fruit, Mine will be known by their fruit also.

My LOVE is the determining factor of whom you belong to. My Love is the self-death kind. Anyone not dead to their self is not Mine and cannot Love. My Love is higher than carnal ‘love’.

Just as you cannot force someone to care about you, I wont force anyone to love Me. I wont force anyone to bow down to Me, or get up immediately (if I am your LORD, you do what I say IMMEDIATELY…such as get out of bed so that if you seek Me I will show you great and mighty things of which you do not know. I do not tell Mine to obey Me and not deliver the special oil into their lamp that I have for them. Each of Min has their own personal oil they gained from Me.

The false gospel has been embraced by most, it is time to reject the false.

I said to know the fruit…and what to do when you see the fruit. Those who love darkness… and some will be your mother, father, sister, child, cousin, friend, pastor, prophet…. There are many false, blind sheep…in every station of life. Many are even as angels of light, wallowing in “positive” carnal emotions which deceives those who don’t have Me in them helping them discern that the ministers of satan also come as angels of light, they will make you feel included, and comfort your carnal emotions, and wink at your sin.

I am returning for My few sheep.

Many will perish at your right hand, but I will shield those who love Me. Obey what I say to do. Hide under Me wings, as Me what this means. PS 91

You either love Me, or you don’t. Your hesitation to choose a side may be very costly to you soon. Your hesitation … you may be like the servant who beat his fellows while his master was away. If you do not turn to My righteousness according to My Word, you will be caught naked in your sin when I return, no mercy will be given for you have My Word and the prophets and watchmen and true pastors etc. Laodicea, now is the time to cover your nakedness by seeking My righteousness, by obeying Me, by removing from you what is and who are unclean.

Now is the time for those in Laodicea who obey Me and overcome their carnal flesh by submitting to My Will and Word, they will see when My Spirit is in them. They will have My wisdom and understanding of My Word which is prophesy out of My Mouth and cannot be understood by those who love this life, who do not want a relationship with Me. Now is the time you will be tried as gold, this is why you must die to carnal thinking and emotions and learn to TRUST ME I AM YOUR GOOD FATHER. If your daughter gives you up to death, if you apostle or bishop follows after Baal… you must choose

Prepare the way of The Lord…prepare for birth…will you be born alive and thriving in Me or dead?

I will throw the useless fish, the fruitless branches, and the dead-in-their-sin away.

Those thrown away from Me only have their SELF, which they worship, to blame for the torments that await all who refuse to obey Me, and partake in My Life.

I told you do not take on the leaven of the Pharisees and hypocrites peddling a false gospel, I said these are accursed. They tell you not to judge, but I tell you to discern who is Mine or not. You CAN TELL, ask Me. Fruit recognition is not judging. It is discernment. Do not take on their sin. Depart from them. Do not greet, sit with, eat with hypocrites. How will they repent if you enable them in their sin? Do you see how you get in My way when you coddle sin? You had to repent in order for Me to live in you



You have to have My Spirit so you can what is good and what is evil

You are none of Mine if you do not have My Holy Spirit

If you have darkness in you or you agree with any darkness, I wil not live in the disobedient who panser to their flesh if you love your life and people in it more than Me, you will lose your eternal life with Me

Do You love Me most?

Seek Me then. Obey My Voice, Immediately, do as Sameul was instructed by Eli to do.

I said depart from the diseased tree, or else you partake in its sin also, the fungus on the bad tree will infect you if you ignore sin, wink at it, oh pastor vindicated a child abuser which is a predatory spirit so I will agree because this man says he follows God. If you do not read My Word, you will not know and you will perish.

Obedience, repentance – stop sinning – and turn from those who refuse to stop sinning or else you approve of their sin. You DENY ME AND MY WORD WHEN YOU OBEY YOUR CARNAL EMOTIONS.

Like Eli, if you love your children more than Me, (you ignore their sin and allow them to say they are Mine), or if like Sapphira, you love your sinning spouse more than Me, and do not cry against their sin and separate your heart from their sin…

you will die with them, and they will not be saved.

Mine are set apart ones… Set apart from SIN AND DARKNESS. Sanctified and holy, ready for MY USE WHEN I RETURN…those who cry for MY WILL to be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.

Those not sanctified by MY WORD OF TRUTH, those who did not count the cost or HEED My Word, built their houses on sand.

I AM your Foundation, those who trust in The Cornerstone. Many stumble over Me, for I AM TRUTH. Many stumble because they reject My Command to die to self, to love others like they care for their own body – not love yourself like the New Age movement calls you to.

If you choose not to seek and obey Me you will be born dead into the next life.

For those who seek Me, and are filled with My Spirit of Wisdom, Power, Counsel, Knowledge, understanding, fear of The Lord, and My fruit… this is how all should know you are Mine… because you stand against what I stand against and you uplift the poor and lowly, you obey Me and invite the lame, blind, the disadvantaged to your meals and feasts. You walk in MY LOVE, nothing carnal for you are not of your self but of Me. You are a new creature with Me abiding in you. No longer dead.

For those who choose not to remain attached to My nourishment, you are already dead. Repent and overcome your SELF.

For those abiding in Me, and I, Word, in you, know that I have heard you and plan to wipe away your every tear, do not question Me, for I AM. You will understand and you will worship Me. My Way is perfect. My thoughts are perfect. I AM LOVE.

You will know Your Father’s love completely and I will work through you to defeat the work of the enemy for many. Many of My children who have been deceived by the false, accursed gospel saying sin is okay and that I don’t call you to holiness and death to the flesh. How can a new creature change back into such a one without Me again. It is possible to fall away from Me. Your sin separates you from Me (Isaiah)

The birthing will take place. The earth is in labor as My children are in the birth canal. I am doing a New Thing, can you not perceive it? I make rivers in the desert and roadways in the desert.

See the Salvation of Your God!

I will that you choose Me, Life. I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE.

Hold fast to Me, little ones. I have overcome the world.

Abide in Me, Word of God, Lamb of God, Faithful and True.


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