
BIG trouble will begin soon after movement of temple mount – Bette Stephens

BIG trouble will begin soon after movement of temple mount – Bette Stephens

May 13, 2018

BIG trouble will begin soon after movement of temple mount…..and the Lord has spoken in regard to Israel to me….. .

Hear the words of the Lord

Matt 23:37-39

O Jerusalem,,Jerusalem,they that killest the prophets,and stonest them which are sent unto thee,how often would I have gathered thy children together,even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,and ye would not!! Behold,your house is left unto you desolate, For I say unto you,YE SHALL NOT SEE ME HENCEFORTH ,tILL YE SHALL SAY,BLESSED IS HE THAT COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD.  Selah End of word.

Ponder those things in ye heart…for great trouble lies at your door now….for I have beseeched you over and over to lay down your idols and your flesh and possess the land that I ,Asonai had for you,but no more.for you have thrown it up in favor of your own lusts and perversions and I NO longer will look away at such sin…..for it is an abomination to my perfection and plan for you….. Not only O Jerusalem , Jerusalem, but O America, America, what great plans I once had for you……. Lamentations soon shall come your way and the fury and the showers of war,contamination,pestilence and flood shall you only know..and I will pick up the Remnant that does understand My call and I will lead them into victory…….
End of Word Given  Shalom


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