Dream, Tsunami

Big Huge Waves – Katie T.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Big Huge Waves

8/26/24 6:53 AM
Katie T.

April 23, 2024 4:30 am

Dream from God

I was in a car with a very close friend . We were roommates and lived in the same house in the Ozark mountains.( I don’t know her in real life. ) We were on a road trip driving all the way to the North Carolina coastline. As we got closer , I began to get a very nervous feeling and began to think if prophecy was getting ready to take place. I was scared that either the tsunami was going to take place or the New Madrid. It was between the two and I began to recount prophetic warnings that God gave through three people I trust about a now timing for something cataclysmic to take place. I kept saying them over and over. I said , someone that I trust , stated that God told her something cataclysmic was going to take place soon. That was the only way people would repent. In the dream I didn’t know what the event was I was only guessing and saying what if it’s the tsunami ? We need to leave I don’t feel safe here. Or what if it’s the New Madrid ? I kept stating different words from prophets that I trust and know are from God and I no longer felt safe to do what we were doing. We had driven for over 20 hours , were tired and it was the end of daylight and going to turn dark . I was so scared to just stay the night knowing that it could happen possibly. I wanted to get into he car and turn around and drive as fast as we could back home. She was not on board with that and kept wanting to stay she did not believe God’s words. She was a Christian but didn’t get it and I said that’s why God warns me because I do get it and I actually listen to him. The waves were were crashing in around us the whole time we were discussing this. Big huge waves and I kept saying we are going to be cut off from our supplies or be dead one if we stay here. End of dream.

I felt the Lord impress me in prayer this morning to send this.

God bless you.

Katie T.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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