
Behold This Generation – Sue

Behold This Generation

Jan 1, 2020

Lo, I have sent you to the world. Even as the Father sent Me, so send I you. You are my husbandmen. You work and till the land of the harvest. You remove the rocks. You provide the loving care. You destroy the weeds. You fertilize. One of you has planted, and another has watered. Now an entire generation of young plants are sprouting, and as they come to life, they are hopeful and charged with energy. Their eyes beam with joy. These living souls reside within your homes. They go to your schools. They overtake your computers, and they drain your pocketbooks. They laugh. They dance and appear unstoppable as they leave you physically drained in their wake. Behold them as My glory descends upon this generation. Behold the works of your hands as I come to life within them. They Are My Workmanship created for My Glory. This generation has taken over the land and their effects are solidly planted within every household across the Earth. Pray and dance with them. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for their aborted brothers and sisters have stormed the gates of heaven and hell with their prayers. The mantles of all the aborted children across the world have fallen upon this generation. Your children will rise up and do mighty, mighty exploits in My Name. Satan thought He stopped this generation through abortion, but he only added to the POWER of this Generation, for a mighty army of prayer warriors trained in the Courts of Heaven now come against him and his demons. Their blood cries out because their books are still open. Therefore, the contents of their books have been added to this generation, and your children and grandchildren will do double and triple what is humanly possible. Your children are fueled with My aborted children’s prayers and the tasks they were unable to complete. Your children are fueled with your prayers and your instruction, and your children are fueled with the POWER of ALMIGHTY GOD. Through this generation, your children and your grandchildren, the Mighty Army of dead bones in Ezekiel, has come to life, for the Spirit of the Living God has breathed His LIFE and POWER in them. Shalom

Original article can be found here


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