Behold I do a new thing
Patti Young
I began to hear God speaking to my spirit.
” Behold I do a new thing. The tempest is rising. Do you not hear the roar of the enemy?
Darkness and the Light battling in the heavenlies, intensifying as my time of the redemption of the captive ones draws near, those I call and know by name.
Hear me oh Jacob, oh Israel, I have not forgotten my beloved ones. Your crying out to me day and night have not gone unheard or fallen on deaf ears.
I hear your prayers and I see your tears. Hearken unto me in the late hour for I am your leaning post, your strength in your time of despair.
Armies of angels I have sent forth to protect that which is mine.
My kingdom being established in the earth has come against great resistance from the enemy, but all power and might belong to me. Who can thwart the plans that I have or go against my word that is written, for I say unto you the Kingdom of God is at hand. Watch, for at an hour you think not, I come for my bride who has made herself ready.
Prepare ye the way all the angelic hosts of heaven declare, prepare ye the way for the Lord of all heaven and earth is at the very door of his return. Glory glory glory all praises are do unto him, the mighty King of Israel.
I say unto the people on the earth, Peace and Safety the rulers are soon to declare, but my own are prepared for they know the lies and deception from these words. Soon destruction comes.
I am your God, I am your shelter, your protector, your covering. Abide in me and I in you for for all these things must soon come to pass for it has been written and is established in my word.
Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit I shall do great and mighty things through a people I have hidden in me who shall with a shout and a cry shall declare my works unto the nations. Oh what power and might shall they have for it is I who have established my kingdom in them.
Prepare your hearts for my coming is at an hour you think not. Cling unto me, look only unto me for I am your Deliverer and your Redeemer.
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