
Because you did nothing your judgement will be death by FIRE – Barbara Francis

Barbara Francis


Daughter speak to the nations .Speak to appointed King of Babylon, King Trump. THOU SHALL NOT KILL. Speak to the lawmakers, THOU SHALL NOT KILL. Speak to the mothers and fathers , THOU SHALL NOT KILL. Speak to the supreme high court of Babylon . THOU SHALL NOT KILL. YOU SHED INNOCENT BLOOD. The earth cries to me. You have broken my COMMANDMENT. You will be held accountable for every drop of innocent blood spilled. You have given yourselves power over life and death. You will reap what you have shown. I shall send a mighty earthquakes your nation. You do not weep or mourn for the bloodshed at your hands. You could have stopped it . Because you did nothing your judgement will be death by FIRE.


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