Be Ready, I AM Coming For My Bride
December 31, 2020 10:21 PM
30 June 2019
Woe to all who have not heeded My warnings,
Prepare your hearts now, or you will be mourning.
I give out My warnings to the Gentiles and Jews,
But none of you believe what I said I would do.
My judgments are coming, but how many believe?
Soon many will die, completely separated from Me.
Please come to Me in repentance, and I will forgive,
I don’t want you to perish, please come to Me and live.
Your days are numbered and will quickly come to a close,
Of that day and hour, there is not one of you who knows.
Soon tribulation will come upon you, and all of you will see,
That you have lived only for yourself, and have forsaken Me.
Please come to Me now, for the end is so near,
But if not, “Depart from Me, I never knew you” are the words you will hear.
Come to Me in repentance, and live for Me, is My desire,
I Am a God of love, but also, a Consuming Fire.
I will come when you least expect Me, it will be just another day,
I will gather those who love Me, but the wicked will have to pay.
Soon worldly destruction will come, and many, will die,
Then I will come for My Bride, with My angels, from on High.
My Bride will shine with My Glory, for all the world to see,
Then they will bring in My Great Harvest for My Father, and for Me.
I AM coming for My Bride, My Father has set the date,
I’ve anticipated this for so long, I can hardly wait.
I AM always with you, My Light will shine in your midst,
We will work together, you were born for such a time as this.
Oh, to be with My Beloved, we will never be apart,
We will spend eternity together, and this is just the start,
I love you, My Beloved, I give you, My Heart.
Your Bride Groom, Yahushua
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