
Be of the fathers business – Angela García

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Be of the fathers business

October 15, 2022 11:23 PM
Angela García

Rcv’d 10/14 pray gif understanding and discernment

Daughter hear the words of the Lord! My words are to be shared with the masses that they would have ears to hear and eyes to see! I AM Abba the Father to the fatherless Jesus to the lost, Christ who came as a sacrificial lamb spilled my blood that they would not live in sin but live forgiven free of sin! That they would take up their daily cross and follow me not a corrupt world that teaches them everything that I do not stand for look around what part of me is ok with these lifestyles?! I do not condemn but correct and direct my children to the cross follow me that you would have a fruitful blessed life. I want not one to perish but have an everlasting life with me your father covered in bliss. Know my ways are not your ways but much higher my standards are not your ways but higher! Be of the fathers business I tarry no longer you will see me in the clouds and EVERY knee shall bow Holy, Holy, Holy is the God Almighty who was, who is and is still to come.

I AM The Great I AM

Yeshua Hamashiach Jesus The Christ

God made flesh

Lover of your soul

I AM that I AM how Great

I AM to save my children Big and small

Seek now the kingdom it is at hand

my love is everlasting

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

The beginning and the end

of all things

Matthew 13:9, John 1:29

John 3:16, Luke 9:23

Matthew 16:24

John 8:11, John 15:4

2 Peter 3:9, Isaiah 55:8-9

Revelation 1:7

Revelation 1:4, John 1:14

Matthew 6:33

Revelation 19:16

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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