Holy Spirit Wind
Be Not Afraid For I AM With You ALWAYS and the End of the Age is Now!
Recieved 4-8 and 4-9-18
There is not much more that I can reveal to you, My children, about the time that you are in but the fiery, false-flag, kick-off event is sooner than ever now. Do not be deceived! The events on your earth that are on My clock have increased in frequency. Remember My time is not your time. Everything that I have told you in the past will happen and all scriptures will be fulfilled very shortly.
I want you to look to the events that are happening right before your eyes. The lies of Babylon have been exposed to the entire world, yet she tries to hide under a veil full of gaping holes. Your control of wealth has come to an end, your money is becoming worthless because no nation wants your debt. You have and will again orchestrate massive destruction on your own land because you worship My enemy. Ten times greater will be the destruction you cause and so shall be the judgments that I send upon you, O lovers of darkness. Now you fight proxy wars but soon those wars will come back upon you. All of the chaos, death and destruction that you have exported will come back to you for it is My law. You foolishly call it karma but it is My law of reaping and sowing! I know your wicked plans! There will be no phoenix rising out of the ashes! When My wrath is poured out upon you, none shall escape! No mercy shall be shown to those who have not shown mercy. The only ones who will escape are My chosen ones, for I have a work for them to do.
My people, I want you to discern the lies that the evil one speaks through his yielded vessels. The whole world around you is under the power of the devil but I have overcome this world and by the power My blood. My people shall overcome as they speak My truth and hate the things this world has to offer. No man can serve Me and this world, for will love one and hate the other. My people, seek the truth and it will set you free and break down the strongholds of the enemy.
I have been repeating My warnings over and over to My true prophets and watchmen and they have been faithful to get My messages out but they are not reaching very many outside of the camp of My remnant and this saddens Me. Those that are in and of the world have almost been completely shut off from My warnings. This is the deceptive plan of the enemy. Even though war, chaos, destruction, famine and disease are about to spread across this earth like wildfire, almost none take it to heart. Very few are crying out to Me for mercy and protection because they have been tricked into thinking it will all get better and go away. It will not get better and it won’t go away until I am sitting on My throne in Jerusalem! Everything in this world shall be shaken but The Rock shall not be!
The alluring tune played by “The Pied Piper” has succeeded in leading most to the brink of their destruction, they have been seduced and led astray. They are totally intoxicated by Satan’s symphony of destruction. It makes Me weep that they love the silver tongued lies of their captor so. They do not even realize that they are slaves to him by their own fleshly lusts and desires. They live only for their dying flesh and take no thought for their eternal spirit. I have no choice but to allow for the destruction of the flesh so that a few will repent and cry out to Me.
My beloved, even those who have known Me, your brothers and sisters, are turning away from Me in very high numbers. I speak of those who were ready but have looked back as Lot’s wife did. All those who cannot stop longing for the things of their former world will be left behind. They will be tried by intense persecution and tribulation like NEVER seen before. Some will be consumed by the fire but others shall be purified by it. No one can imagine all that is coming upon this earth and it truly grieves My heart that they didn’t listen to Me. But I would rather that the backslidden suffer for a little while on the earth where there is still a chance to repent instead of in the lake of fire where there is no escape.
Awaken O Sleepers! Look and see that the enemy’s plan is going forth just as I have said in My scriptures and through My true prophets and watchmen. Hear the word of the Lord this day! I will heal you of your blindness and deafness and give you a heart of flesh for you heart of stone. Repent! Come and follow Me on the narrow path to life and forsake the broad easy road that leads to death and destruction. The destruction you must see now will have an end but I am your hope and I am your way out, if you entrust all to Me and let Me guide you by My Spirit that I give to ALL who know Me.
My merciful warnings are just about over for I will not tarry any longer if none repent before Me. The time is now loved ones! You must not wait any longer! The season has come and the day draws ever nearer. Draw close to Me now for protection, instruction, provision and My power shall be upon you and within you. Pray without ceasing for strength and for the lost. Rejoice in Me always and give thanks in all circumstances. Above all ask Me to fill your heart with My love for Me and your fellow man.
Be Not Afraid For I AM With You ALWAYS and the End of the Age is Now!
Jesus Christ
Yahushua Hamashiach