
Be not Afraid! – 278pikelk

Be not Afraid! – 278pikelk

Posted on October 9, 2018

My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. Eyes will soon be opened, My loves, for I will pour out My understanding upon those who are seeking it. The enemy wishes to remain in the shadows, for once exposed, his chances of winning souls away from Me greatly decreases, for there are certain things that even the most worldly of human minds cannot fathom. Once some of these things are exposed, many will understand the evil that he has been perpetrating throughout time and throughout your earth. He is quite happy to remain anonymous and seeks to deploy his demons through unsuspecting people to do his filthy work. As I have said before, there are battles going on in the spiritual as well as on your earth. Every action has a reaction. It is as with a game of chess, except for I know all the moves head of the time, and I know who is the victor in the game. I am victorious in reconciling My creation to myself, and for those that received Me, their victory has already been declared. All have received My invitation, yet some have yet to decide whether or not to join Me. Some remain distracted with the cares of this world and so caught up in their own pride that they are blind to Me. These see the miracle of My creation, yet they are blind to it. They look upon the landscape of your earth and the miracles within it, but they are blind to them. I will begin to open their eyes now. I will begin to awaken them from slumber. I will allow things to come upon your earth, and as these judgments come to pass, miracles will also come to pass. As your politicians say, “Do not let a crisis go to waste,” for if not by their own free will, these last and sleeping ones will be jolted awake and forced to choose whom they will spend their eternity with. You all exist in a fallen creation, My loves. The ruler of the air allows for a certain amount of calm and the passage of a certain amount of time so that he can strategically arrange his pieces on the board. He allows time to pass that he gains souls to himself. I allow time to pass, but I gain many more. He does recognize that he is being exposed. He does recognize that his time is short, and he will increase his attacks upon My own in accordance. Place My armor on, My loves, and walk in confidence, for even if he could take your body, if you belong to Me, he cannot take your soul. Fear is not of Me, My children. Focus upon Me. Finally, My children, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think upon these things. I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Me, because he trusteth Me. trust ye in Me forever, for I am your everlasting strength. There is no room for fear when you receive My promises. My children. If what your eyes are seeing and what your ears are hearing is bringing upon you fear, you are not perceiving Me. You are viewing your circumstance through a lens of darkness and not through the lens of My light, for I am your refuge in time of trouble, and I cause all things to work together for good according to My good purpose for you. Cast your anxieties at the foot of My cross. Let your soul cling to Me, and My right hand will uphold you. Allow Me to fill you with My Holy Spirit to overflowing that I may fill you with My hope, joy and peace. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Let your heart not be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for things to come will make many afraid but not those that are in Me. I love you, My children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach


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