Be Holy as I AM Holy
November 19, 2021 12:00 AM
Terri Hennessey
Nov 19, 2021 10:00AM
Daughter write My words,
Everything My children go through in relation to their walk, in relation to working out their salvation, is allowed by Me. I know what is needed and to what extent, to bring a vessel unto honor. All you go through, you need to know is ok; (I understood this to mean the failures we go through) is pre-planned, ordained, as I know and only I know what is required in testing and refining to bring a vessel higher, into their purpose, their calling, their destiny. Salvation is a non-issue at this point. This is about purifying into holiness. Purifying and making spotless, a Bride that is Holy unto her King, for He is worthy of a Bride that is more like Him than not. Look at My Scripture “Anyone who loves son or daughter, Mother or Father more than Me is not worthy of Me”. Some see this and don’t understand who I AM, but this scripture should very clearly describe to you who I AM. No one and no thing should be more important in your life than Me and anyone who is Mine will strive to be more like Me than the world. I do not expect perfection for that would mean I AM a God without compassion. I know My Bride is human; corrupt until she puts on incorruption, but if she truly longs to be My Bride, if she truly loves Me, she will long to do right by Me. This gets tested, by way of refining, purifying. She is constantly tested, not to push her to the edge of her limits to see what she will do, but to purge ungodliness, unholiness. My Bride is being refined and the enemy, I use as the one who stokes the fire. I do not give you more than you are capable of handling but enough to bring you to a place where you see those things in you that must go. Most people think it’s just materialistic things that must be purged in order to be holy, but there is so much baggage within the heart, things that My Bride doesn’t even realize is in there. “Be Holy as I AM Holy” is not just an instruction to follow, for you could never just become Holy on your own. This is a process and I liken this process to the refining of a stone or precious gem found in the rock of the earth; dirty and filled with flaws. I take it and I clean it and I gently and lightly sand and polish until it’s almost perfect, for all My jewels will have a flaw on this side of Heaven but the rest is gone and they are now as Holy as they can be without being perfect but yet now worthy to be called My Bride. It is a tall order My children and not something to be taken lightly. Though I AM gentle and patient, the person that you are, as a result of the lives of suffering you have lived, can often see this process as painful, but if you trust in Me, I can promise you, the outcome will be worth the pain. Offer the pain to Me, as a cross, as a fast offering for the world and know your pain and suffering is not for nothing but brings salvation to unworthy souls. This is what makes you My Bride and makes you stand out from the rest. You are more than a light shining in the darkness, you are the example of what is required by My children to be a Bride of the Most High. I will bring you out of the fire and the enemy will have his stoker taken from him, for his job will be finished and never again will you feel pain or suffering, for your cross, your vessel will forever be worthy of your Bridegroom; a vessel unto honor. Rest in this My Bride. This day is oh so vear near. I won’t say “soon”, as I know you’re all tired of that word. (I felt him smile empathetically) I love you. Hold on to Me and trust. Trust! Trust! Trust!