Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Barack Obama will be Worshipped as God, for the God of this World Shall Possess Him
I have yet another warning for My people this day.
As the time of preparation for My return nears its end, I have a question for all of you.
Are You ready?
This is a question that you must ask yourself because the days that are before you shall be very difficult even for those that are full of My Spirit. For those that are without My Spirit the coming days will be impossible, for hell is coming to earth, but also the latter rain outpouring of My Spirit.
My remnant bride will arise and shine when they are transformed into My likeness and the enemy will not be able to touch you in any way at all. Before this though you will have to walk through a short time of darkness in your mortal bodies by faith. It will be very dark, destruction shall be all around you, you will see many things that you never thought you would have to. Many will fall away because they believe the doctrines of demons and men that said that they would not have to suffer through this time.
The time that I speak of is the time after the “kick off event” but before the transformation of My remnant bride. As I have said to you before during this time you will begin to hear My voice more clearly and many miracles with take place but you will not be fully transformed into an immortal body just yet, but the measure of My Spirit will be increased if you are dwelling in the secret place in holiness and humbleness.
It is during this time that Barack Hussein Obama will rise back to power and as I have told you before he will become the final anti-Christ. If you look closely at some of your media sources who report at least some truth you can see that he has never really gone away and that he is planning his return. He is working his evil plan behind the scenes to remove Donald Trump as the president of America and he will succeed after the false flag event that they have planned.
After this takes place life as you know it will not exist and events will happen so fast that you will not be able to believe it it, but I am telling you now that it is so. The economy will be the first thing to fall after this “false flag kickoff event” and then war will hit all of the world. Civil war will ensue in America as well as natural disasters and invasions from all sides.
America will be destroyed for she is Babylon the great.
Then the fallen ones shall enter center stage and Obama will be the liaison between them and the people and the mark of the beast shall be implemented. He will lead them because he is one of them.
Barack Obama will come out looking like a hero and he will be even more popular than he is now. The whole world will wonder after the beast and Barack Obama will be worshipped as god, for the god of this world shall possess him. No one who is merely a mortal man would be able to contain Satan’s spirit. Barack is the one who he has chosen and he will be obedient to him. No one will be able to buy sell or trade except they have his mark which is a computer chip and tattoo, stamp or mark that can be seen readily on the outside of the body either on the right hand or the forehead, which ever is more readily accepted by the culture in which this is implemented.
I will also mark My own and My manifest children shall trample serpents, scorpions and the most hideous beings that you have ever imagined, by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and by loving this life not unto death.
My own and I shall be victorious!
I AM the King of kings and Lord of lords who was and is and is to come!
HolySpiritWind at 10:41:00 PM