May 23, 2020 4:49 AM
Br Collins Ouma
My son listen carefully to what I am about to share with you. My Holy Spirit is with you and My holy Angels have been commanded to watch over you.
Tell My children never to lose hope and to hold Me dearly and tightly now more than ever.. the enemy is increasing his attacks and ambushes over My sons and daughters. Attacks after attacks. he knows his time is short and tickling off so quickly and he is seeking to hurt and main your souls
Do not worry. I have been fighting alongside you to give you victory. He will never win the battles of your souls. Hold yourself up in the little strength you have and begin to praise and worship Me.As days go by it’s becoming more and more difficult to effectively and steadily pray. A web of darkness is quickly falling and engulfing the earth system. He is almost succeeding with the closure of houses of worship in vanquishing prayers from My children.l hear you, My sons and daughters, even in your whispers and groanings in your bed of agony
I hear that prayer from deep of your spirit even without you having to shout it loudly.i have known it and I will answer it. Do not allow him to take up prayer from you My dear sons and daughters as he is quickly dimming and quenching many of My sons’ and daughters’ urge and desire to prayer
Wake up and be strengthened in Me for the night fastest approaches where you will do no work.
As the globe of evil and darkness hangs over your world, many are turning cold and prejudiced against My work and My Holy Spirit. I desire that you remain steadfast in Me even at this darkest hour. Let My light emanate from you My sons and daughters As you kneel down to pray and worship Me; light so powerful and magnificent emanate from you and illuminates your surroundings. Do not allow the enemy to quench your fire for prayers; intimate and deep intercession. He is arresting and seizing warriors and watchers at this hour.
Arise you who call on the name of the Lord in truth and spirit. Even in this darkest time l am still He that gives you strength.
It’s becoming more and more difficult to pray and intercede. Know that this is the work of your enemy of your soul. He knows l am about to walk mightily in you and release My glory. Just before Christ’s transformation at the mountain he gave Peter, James, and John deep slumber that they could not be watching with the Lord in prayer even for one hour. They were experiencing extraordinary slumber and heaviness that the Lord had to awaken them several times.
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God bless you
Br Collins Ouma
Busia Kenya