Avoid This Regret
1/19/25 12:29 PM
Sarah Jo-Jo
Given 10:30am 1-19-25
What did I say to the goats? To the sheep? This was not a parable but My plain speech for hearing ears. I am returning in My righteousness and right judgement. The sky will split and all will see Me. Those with no oil, no faith grown, no obedience, no investment of what I gave them will begin their eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Avoid this eternal regret.
If I, The One Whom you call Lord was before you, how would you treat Me?
If I was an orphan in need of guidance and Word instruction would you make the effort?
If I was hungry and wounded, would you send a check for someone else to feed Me or would you go out to Me and feed Me, ask Me My story, and bind up My physical and heart wounds with My Father’s Words of compassion?
If I were in your church without a friend, would you leave your comfort group and ask Me out to lunch?
If I was thirsty for water and to know God, would you bring Me water and teach Me Word of God?
If I was sick, would you use what Father blessed you with to visit Me, and maybe clean My house, get groceries for Me, wash My feet?
If I were a widow whose family rejected her, would you invite Me to dine with your family?
If I lacked glasses or shoes or clean clothes, would you help Me?
If I was in prison for The Gospel’s sake, would you help Me know I was being prayed for, would you visit Me even if people scorned you for it?
If I was brokenhearted would you simply wish Me well or would you help Me get help and lead Me in Word so I’d find comfort there?
If I were cold and living in a tent would you say God bless you, praying for you…or would you let Me sleep in your garage.
If I needed a ride to work would you give Me one?
If I asked for minutes for my phone but you gave Me a coat I don’t need, would you feel proud that you are a do-gooder?
If God told you to give away in My Love all that He gave you, would you?
What you do for the least of these My brethren you do to Me.
Father blessed you not so you live in paradise here in earth but so that My Prophets and teachers would have no lack as they do My will.
But My Prophets and teachers were persecuted and ignored and they relied on Me for their lack. I do sustain My own. But My sheep ask Me and I work through them.
In Acts, the first church in reality, none was to lack.
I AM The Same.
I do not change.
Are you allowing wolves to receive you?
Now is the time to know what My will is and be about your Father’s business. Don’t be surprised if you aren’t welcomed into My Heaven, the unbelieving and disobedient will not enter.
Good deeds and even Prophesy and using My gifts count for nothing if My Spirit isn’t in you, if you walk by sight, trusting mens words over Mine, if you live for self glory and the approval of people, if you spend My gifts to comfort your self.
I have said all these things all through My Word, how I care for the least. This warning is due to My Mercy. Choose to be hot for Me. Lukewarm will not be in My Kingdom. I don’t do things half way and neither do My children.
Do not argue with Me when I return. You have My Prophets and teachers of old and today who have taught and pleaded and warned. If you don’t abide in Me, Word, you will have no harvest to give Me, no return of My generous investments. This is what I’m looking for and My sheep will hear “Well done My good and faithful servants.” All others will dwell in regret because they chose not to obey Me.
Amen, I return soon. All will reap what they have sown.
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