Avoid joining Confederations, Political groups, or movements where Christ is NOT the Master and Chief!
February 18, 2022 7:22 AM
Christ’s small sheep
I share this word of knowledge with you after reading ‘White liquid fire in the palms of the hand! ‘ by McKana. I pray that God bless and protect this person as God used them to encourage me to share my dreams, visions , and word of knowledge he has given me over the past years.
I share with you a word that I received from God the morning of November 2, 2020 while in prayer regarding the growing riots and civil unrest and rebellion in the United States, our country.
Here is his response through Isaiah 8:5-22
This people refuses to live in peace, this people has separated, like Israel and Judah. as Israel joined with Syriah to fight against Judah, some of my faithful will join forces with the enemy to destroy my people, my ordinances and my decrees. The enemies of my people will be strong. There will be temptations to join them, but don’t, if you do, you will be broken. If you listen to the advice of this federation of different groups of countries that hate true justice you will be broken. If you arm yourself against them with the arms of the flesh you will be broken. If you take advice from anyone but God, it will be fruitless. The word of God will have no impact on this brood, they will not listen, they are deaf. Have no fear, God will be with us. God warns again, firmly: DO NOT WALK IN THEIR WAYS. There is a lot of violence, hatred and rebellion in them, but we must not succumb to the same, it is not of God. They will build a powerful “confederacy”, do not respect their causes or their leaders, nor be afraid at all! Sanctify yourselves in the Lord, respect him and fear him. Do this, and you will be a sanctuary, closed with God; an offense and a stumbling block to them. Many of my people who join this confederacy will stumble, then fall, then be trapped. This confederacy will encourage occultism, each of his own god praying to the living as well as the dead. Do not follow, but bind my words in your hearts, your lives will be a sign of the glory of God. My people, do not be tempted to join this confederation, because they will go hungry and end up cursing God by clenching their fists in the sky. They will only be concerned with earthly things and they will be shrouded in darkness, darkness and anguish and they will be driven into total darkness. Courage my people.
Isaiah 8:5-22
Take heed lest any prey upon you by philosophy and vain deceit, leaning on the tradition of men, on the rudiments of the world, and not on Christ. Colossians 2:8
Let no one deceive you in any way; for the apostasy must have come before, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, must have appeared
2 Thesalonians 2:3
But the Spirit expressly says that in the end times some will forsake the faith, and become attached to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,
1 Timothy 4:1
I don’t know exactly what God meant by ‘confederacy‘, here the dedenition by Mirriam Webster dictionary:
Definition of confederacy
1: a group of people, countries, organizations, etc. joined together for a common purpose or by a common interest : LEAGUE,
God is warning us from joining (no matter how good the political cause) any movement or group who’s center is not on Christ. Who’s power come from individual effort than from God’s divine power through his holy spirit in Jesus Christ. I have had a few dreams with the same message now. Apparently the temptation will be so great, many, many Christians will follow after these deceptions like lambs to the slaughter. May God give us holy discernment and wisdom at this time of deception!
Written by Alias: Christ’s small sheep