
Atypical Candidate – Cryptic1

Kandiss Taylor/Facebook

Atypical Candidate

May 23, 2022 8:59 PM

On 5.24.22 the state of Georgia will vote for the office of Governor in the  Georgia primaries. On 5.12.22 I received the name Kandiss Taylor from the Holy Spirit. I had read that Kandiss Taylor, a conservative christian patriot was one of several Republican candidates running for the office of Governor of the state of Georgia alongside David Perdue (endorsed by Donald Trump) and incumbent Governor Brian Kemp.

I asked the Holy Spirit why Kandiss Taylor’s name came up and was given the word ‘atypical’.
atypical’ – something that does not conform to the norm; not typical of its kind

In truth Kandiss Taylor doesn’t appear to be your typical candidate. For example an article posted 5.13.22 by www.thedailybeast.com/kandiss-taylorgeorgia-candidate-for-governor-builds-campaign-on-demolition-of-satanictablets highlights Kandiss Taylor’s proposed order to demolish the infamous Georgia Guidestones which many believe is a satanic site. Excerpt follows.

“’The New World Order is here, and they told us it was coming,’ Taylor said in a video showing her standing defiantly in front of the tablets she describes as symbols of human sacrifice. ‘This is a battle.’

Taylor received just 4 percent in a recent poll. But her proposed executive order highlights the far-right’s increasing hostility to the Guidestones, which have taken on an outsized importance among conservative conspiracy theorists as a symbol of a nefarious plot to kill 95 percent of the world’s population.

‘I am the ONLY candidate bold enough to stand up to the Luciferian Cabal,’ Taylor wrote on social media app Telegram after releasing her video.”

I’m still mulling over the name Kandiss Taylor. Whether she wins this primary or not I believe the Holy Spirit is showing us the kind of Christian conservative voice that will be the new face of America’s future. In the meantime I pray that godly men and women will rise up and start looking to filling positions of government so that their voices of truth can be heard over the opposing lies of the enemy.


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