Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Julie Whedbee
On November 3, 2019, I was given a very powerful night vision. I was in the Caribbean, witnessing at a large shopping center, sharing the gospel with anyone who would listen. I remember thinking, even though there were hundreds of people busily walking by me, there were so precious few that were interested in the message of Yahushua and His salvation. I also remember some mocking me as I shared His heart with the few who would listen.
Suddenly, I was transported to a large boat, filled with people who were on holiday, not a care in the world, carrying on with worldly talk and activity, when suddenly in the sky I was shown a large fiery asteroid that was about to hit the ocean. I was a bystander on the boat listening and watching people as it happened, but also I was able to be in the spirit as it happened so my perspective was more comprehensive. I yelled to people to look up as it hit, but there was not enough time for anyone to do anything anyway. I could then hear the screams of the entire community as I was also in the spirit, people everywhere in the islands of the Caribbean terrorized by what was happening. I could also simultaneously hear news reports all over the region suddenly announcing the asteroids sudden appearance and imminent arrival. People were taken completely off guard, not even realizing what was happening, and completely unprepared spiritually for this event of judgment.
The asteroid hit was such force, the entire Caribbean shook in violence as a massive wave instantly overtook the islands. In an instant, I was then under the ocean, as the boat I was on had overturned. I was watching now in the spirit underwater, the incredible destruction that was taking place before my eyes as all structures and foundations, no matter how large or fortified, were crushed to pieces like toys as the debris was now filling the water with great speed. I saw one massive type resort hotel be thrown down and crumble under the ocean like it was paper dissolving. I could hear in the spirit newscasts around the world as this happened, reporting the event, as the entire world was broadcasting this breaking news on all stations. I could hear the reports simultaneously as they broadcasted, and I heard that at the moment the asteroid hit, there was a massive worldwide earthquake that was being felt. Not one area of the world was unaffected because of the size and force in which this asteroid hit.
I saw many bodies instantly under the water from all over, knowing in my heart that there was no time for repentance, the judgment had happened too quickly.
There are others who have seen this prophetic judgment as well and the information is available online from many sources, so I will not elaborate further, only to say that time is up, the end is here, and you do not know at what hour your life will be required of you.
Julie daughter of the King at Tuesday, November 05, 2019
Original article can be found here
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Prophetic Vision – Julie Whedbee – ATLANTIC OCEAN TSUNAMI AND WORLDWIDE EARTHQUAKE (1)”]