Ask Me to know – Lasttrumpet777
September 01, 2018
Ask Me to know the truth and do not assume. Ask Me to search your own heart, to see if there is not anything in you that is not pleasing to Me. I Know your heart, all motives and thoughts. Nothing about you is hidden from Me. I Know everything.
You must be pure in heart because only the pure in heart will see Me. The unholy, unrighteous will not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Do not be deceived. I do not Change. I have no Favoritism and I do not Discriminate. I always judge Fairly and Justly. You will all give account for your own deeds to Me and bear the consequences. There will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance. Repent and turn from your wrongful ways. Live your lives pleasing to Me, to be found worthy to Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter. I will say to many in that Day, go away I never knew you, you who work iniquity.
Ask Me to know if I Am pleased with you and do not assume. It is not My will that anyone perish but that all repent to have Eternal Life. Seek Life not death. The wages of sin is death. Be Holy for I Am Holy.
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24