Armour up warriors, the battle is about to begin in earnest
June 4, 2020 4:22 AM
Cornell de Beer
Message recieved 2 June 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, as always please take it to Father in prayer for confirmation.
Titus 1 vers 1 and 2 Paul a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledging of truth which is after godliness. In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie, promised before the world begin.
I am the Great I Am, that that I AM. Children please remember, confusion is not who I AM and not from Me. (1 Corinthians 14:33) I am committed to My children and I am a good Father. I am not selfish, I give freely to those who ask. In fact to those that come to Me in disbelieve I resent for I can not lie. Ask ME anything you want according to My will and it shall be yours.
Jesus My precious son is high and above all, the miracle you have being waiting for and need. In Jesus is safety , protection and love, a love so perfect that He has given His own life for you so you may live. There is beauty in being humble, meek and weakness, it is there that I can do my greatest work and perfect will. It is the reason that MY will was perfectly done in Jesus My Son. When you become still and listen for My voice you will find and hear Me. Find Me now before it’s to late.
A darkness so dark, almost touchable has fallen over the earth, a terrible stench in My nostrils. I will step on those and destroy all of those that is against Me and My children. The hour is nigh.
Armour up NOW My warriors. The battle is about to begin in earnest. With Me your Lord and Saviour by your side you will be invincible and easily overpower the enemy. Have I not said I am your shield? Your fortress, your rock of salvation and tower of strength? I will provide everthing that you need for the battle, in Me is safety.
I love you forever and ever My darling children.
Your Father Abba God, King and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I’ve recieved 1 chronicles 27 and when I looked it up my mouth dropped open.
Summary, military divisions:
This is an account of a military force of Isreal. (Spiritual Isreal today?) Twelve legions corresponding to the numbers of tribes that were enlisted in the Kings service. Each Legion served a month in rotation and were stationed either in Jerusalem or any other place they were needed. Depending on attacks, a larger force could easily be called.
Is our Lord telling us something here? My opinion does not count, i only deliver God’s word but I do find it interesting that the 144 000 is also 12 tribes.
Psalm 103 verse 13
The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those that fear him.
2 Corinthians 12 verse 9
And he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly will I therefore rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest on me.
We are God’s army, Rightious in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. Let’s armour up and get ready, fight the good fight for the Kingdom of our Father, our inheritance and as His children. Let Your will be done Lord in heaven as is on earth and also in us. Amen.
God bless.
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