
Arise Warriors! – Mike M

Arise Warriors!

March 24, 2020
Mike M

Recived March 21, 2020

Arise, warriors, arise! The Son is shining. The battle is in the heavenlies. Did I not say you would do greater things than I did? Arise. In faith-arise. Speak to this mountain and cast it into the sea! In the beginning was the word. (John 1). The word was with God, and the word was God. Nothing was made unless it was made by him. Through him all things were made. I am the Son. I am the word. Speak me. Invite me. Call things that are not as though they are. Do you have something in your character to attract & draw the lost to me through you? You are my hands and feet. You are my lights. I can shine through you. You have this hope in me-because you abide in me and I in you. I will call unto me those who I have foreknew would choose me. I know my creation-those who will say yes. I draw them to you now . Did I not say you will tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy? Show me you believe me with your actions & movement and in that I will dwell. I will be pleased, honor and move through you in greater ways. My mercy & grace are poured out. Don’t let them go to waste. Give them away as I have freely given to you. This is still the age of grace even though I allow measures of judgement-as it is written-in the hopes of turning all to repentance. (John 3:17) For I hope for all things (I Cor. 13). Give and it will be given unto you-pressed down, shaken together, and running over will I bless you with as men give unto your bosom. The storehouse should be full in this hour-and first is the kindness to the saints of faith-for all who proclaim that I am the son of God, was a ransom for sin, lived a sinless life, and rose again conquering death on your behalf; those who believe this way are the members of the church. Maybe not YOUR members who gather together with you, but they are mine. Discern who are mine and welcome them whether for a day or a year. How you treat them-especially the poor wander-you treat me. I am watching. The storehouse is not for personal pleasure in the ways of the world, but for the good of the brethren. You have been warned. I will keep and account and you will answer for each transaction. To whom much is given-much is required. You can’t fool me-maybe man, but not me. I will in the end weigh you in the scales of justice tempered in love. Choose wisely or the least of these will enter into the Kingdom before you and have your rewards. Run the race daily so as to win-getting up when you fall-taking nourishment along the way-resting periodically-and not giving up, helping others who are limping. No matter how you go-just go to the end. All are welcome and treasured. The door has not yet closed. This age is not over. There is still time to enter in. Rebuke the voices who say otherwise-sharply-for they do not rule and reign-and certainly not yet anyway.

Original article can be found here


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