March 29, 2020 2:22 PM
Watchman Marah
We are coming into troubling times. Some Christians rebuke me and say No! God is a God of peace. He would never cause Calamity!
I am sorry, but read the Old Testament,
and remember God doesn’t change. He is
the same loving God in the old testament as
He is in the New. But sometimes God does
not spare the rod. And Yeshua our coming King will Rule the world with a Rod of iron.
Though our God is good, compassionate, loving, forgiving, gentle, kind, slow to anger, faithful, long suffering, and Yeshua His Son is called ‘The Prince of Peace’…do not think He doesn’t get angry. He is also called a Mighty Warrior, a man of War.
He allows the people to go through great trials and tribulations to humble us, chastise, and discipline us when we are out of line. Not because He hates us, but because He loves us so. To Him, we act like little children some times. We need to learn things that will help us to be faithful, to submit, to be selfless, and obedient, to take us out of the world.
The last days are upon us. And the books of
the prophets and Revelation all tell you that Calamity will come. Judgments will come
and are here now. Hence the Trumpet and
Bowl judgments.
Recently 5/24/19, I dreamt that we were warriors for God in these last days. We were
doing Spiritual Warfare and many battles
were fought.
God told me, we were to be “DAUNTLESS”.
I looked up the word dauntless: Fearless,
determined, resolute, indomitable, intrepid,
plucky, spirited, steely, confident, undaunted,
undismayed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unabashed, unfaltering, bold,
audacious, valient, brave, courageous, heroic
and daring. That’s DAUNTLESS.
We are to be Dauntless in Faith,
Dauntless in Prayer,
Dauntless in the Word,
Dauntless in Service
Dauntless in Praise and
Dauntless in Warfare
We were an Aggressive, Feared Army for God.
The forces of evil fled from us. For we were of
one heart and one mind for God, Fighting the Good Fight of Faith.
Right now, many of us are going through boot camp with Yeshua. He is training His Army and I believe we will be going through a transformation. And we will be Dauntless for our Lord and King.
But don’t wait, be dauntless NOW!
See you at the Front Lines!
Watchman Marah