Tess Ann Macallister
“Anthem of Grace ”
Dear Lord Jesus do you have a message for us today?
Yes, daughter, I do. This is Yahushua Hamsaich speaking, I confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. It is It I the Lord Jesus that speaks to you this day. Daughter, I want to address my people today. My people listen up especially my prayer warriors and intercessors. I am singing an anthem of grace over you do you hear it? My children, My Bride, I want to encourage you today. As you should know we are in the last days and my return for you is imminent, I could come at any second I have warned and warned and warned but no one is listening as I have pulled my hand of protection away from America, I am letting America have what it wants an anti Christian system and way of living. My children, you will not be here for the destruction of this wicked nation. I will rescue you at the appointed time. My prayer warriors intercessors and watchmen I also speak to you. Time is running out on your earth. You will not be on earth forever. What I am looking for is true commitment, pursuit, repentance, surrender and adoration. Very few of my children want me instead of this world so most will be left behind. My remnant will not see death. My faithful little flock what I am asking from you now is to pray on your knees not once a day but if you have time spend much time in prayer and fasting. Also worshipping me on Sundays only is not enough. Going to church once a week and then living like the world the rest of the week is not a sufficient relationship with me. Most who claim to know me do not. But you my sanctified ones pursue me daily. This is what I want a pure and holy relationship with my children. My children, you will not be here much longer. Continue to warn and tell others of me and my coming. Much destruction chaos terror wrath judgements and sorrows are coming once I take you to safety all those left behind will be left to an antichrist system and government and their only option will be to die as martyrs. All lukewarm will be left behind. Only my bride will be taken. Children this is very serious. This is eternity we are talking about. Who and where do you want to spend eternity with me in paradise or with the enemy in torment and agony???. I give you the free will to choose but I expect you to choose me and my everlasting kingdom. Sadly most are choosing this world and are serving the enemy. This is an anti GOD world. I am waiting with open arms to receive my true servants. Are you truly ready? BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY SAITH YAHUSHUA HAMASIACH KING OF KINGS