Angel, Vision


Meta Al with Llama 3.2


10/22/24 12:20 PM
Daniel Masika

On 19th October 2024 i had a vision

I saw the Angel that Come down on the Earth His feet was as the Pillars of fire and every step he made was an Earthquake and Upon His head was a rainbow around and He stood in Bethel and the rainbow on his head divided the Earth into two, and the Rainbow was as if the walls from the Earth to the Heaven and there was one Gate on that wall and He said Every stone with life will go on the Right side and every stone without fire and light on the Left, the face the Angel looked like the Sun heart and Light and He spoke fire come out of His Mouth and the door on the walls that was built by Rainbow from the earth to the heaven was open and i saw humans that were in sackcloths Entering the door, when their stepped their feet in the door their clothes changes and looked like that of the angel and their were clothed with light and their went on the Right side.

-The other Group that had no sackcloths on them their tried to enter and their could not see the Door and their remained on the left side ,I saw the devil Cry aloud saying the time is not yet ,the time has not come why are you causing separation and Judgment and Satan was afraid of the light and fire with the Rainbow extremely and the Angel spoke Saying the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall never be heard no more to you and your agents for Your merchants were the great men of the earth for by Your sorceries were all nations deceived But their on the Right will never be deceived for the Lamb and the Bride has called them out and their will be separate and i watched all of them that went on the Right side had rainbow on their head as the same angel and the Satan and his angel cried out loud and all on the left side were in total Darkness and in pain for their cried together in pain.

-Their that were on the Right Side were sealed and the walls of Rainbow all around them were Fire and the voice from above said Blessed are their which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. I came out of the Vision and my eyes could not see for two hours.

Much love


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