Prophecy, Trump

America,”I tell you that your king is full of pride and haughtiness, so there shall be destruction and a fall.” – Holy Spirit Wind

Holy Spirit Wind

America,”I tell you that your king is full of pride and haughtiness, so there shall be destruction and a fall.”


I say to you My people, fall upon your knees and upon your faces before Me now! Humble yourself before Me and I will not have to humble you. Judge yourselves and I will not have to judge you. I tell you, weep and wail for the things that I tell you that are coming upon your nation, America! Has it not been written that God speaks once, yes, twice but man does not perceive or understand it? Yet I have spoken many more times than twice. I have warned this generation more than any other. If I would have warned Egypt, as I have warned you would they have turned from their wicked ways? If I would have warned Tyre and Sidon as much as I have warned you, would they have turned from their sinful ways? If I would have warned Sodom and Gomorrah as much as I have warned you, would they have turned from their evil ways? Only I know the answer to that and I have My reasons for doing the things that I do, they are beyond your understanding. Nineveh turned and repented at the word of one prophet, Jonah, and I spared them for 40 years. This generation does not turn at the word of thousands of My prophets and watchmen!

I tell you this day that the nations that once called Me Lord and Savior have turned away from Me and will be judged much more harshly then the nations who knew me not. The nations that have known Me have become the vilest and most sinful on the earth but most of all America. You are a whore! You have sold yourself over and over and over again and now you shall be punished for your adulteress ways. Your people once loved Me and My ways but now their lips do not even speak My name, except in cursing. There is no fear of Me in the land but I tell you there will be! The hand that once protected you is now raised and shall come down with a mighty, unstoppable force that will break your nation in two and the shaking will be felt from coast to coast. Yes, you have already been divided in spirit but you will be divided physically. It is at this time the evil angels shall come but when they see My blood over the door posts and lintel of your house, which is your heart, they will not enter to kill and destroy. For you will overcome by My Blood and the word of your testimony and by not loving this life to the death but loving the One who IS LIFE.

America, you asked Me for a king and I allowed you to have him but he cannot save you. You put your hope in a mere mortal man and not in Me. You listened to those who said that they heard from Me but didn’t. You listened to them because you don’t hear from Me either. You don’t take time alone with Me to know Me and listen to My voice so that you know when someone is speaking for Me or not. I tell you that your king is full of pride and haughtiness, so there shall be destruction and a fall. He thinks that he is the best deal maker of all time but I tell you that he deals in deception like his father. Who else deals in such treachery and such lies better than the father of them? I tell you the truth Trump’s deal will not be accepted. The peace plan will not go through until after much destruction and devastation. Then Israel shall be tricked into a deal of peace, thinking that it is their only option but they will be wrong! I am the only protector of Israel! I will show this to the whole world! Yes the whole world will come against My land and though there will be great destruction she will not be utterly destroyed for I shall have a remnant.

I too will have a remnant from America even though the land will be utterly destroyed like no other nation ever, in history or that will ever be again. Your leaders scheme to divide My land and every step that they take towards that, I shall bring punishment to you. After the fall of haughty and prideful Trump comes the return of the Pharaoh, Barack Hussein Obama. He shall oppress and persecute My people but I will make a way for escape, just as I did at the Red Sea. I shall provide My bride two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. Then I shall return and slay him with the breath of My mouth and by the Fulness of My glory.
Most mock the words that come out of My servants mouths but soon they shall not!

Jesus Christ

Yashua ha Mashaiach

Scripture references:

Psalm 78
Job 33
Revelation 12


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