America you will be Saved
June 27, 2022 11:15 PM
Trupti Desai
Dear Sir,
This word was given on 6/24/2022 at @11:00pm
Hebrews 11 (New King James Version) 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
“Hebrews 11 tells us what it means to have faith and obtain life. Those with true faith accept God’s word, focusing on assurance about what we do not see, looking beyond the situation as it can be perceived by natural vision. By exercising this kind of faith the ancients gained the warm commendation of God. By faith, they discerned God’s majestic power in the created order.
I have been waiting for a time such as this
I have not called my innocent ones in vain
Watch and stand on the horizon of a new day
A new way
You thought all was lost
Do not give up as I turn this ship of evil around to self destruct
Explosions everywhere!
It will be a sight to see
Did I not warn you to stay away from the mainland cities
Typhoons will engulf many
Repent and turn
A mighty shift is occurring to bring nations back to me
I have not heard the cries of the wicked ones
They are seeing the consequences now
I gave them many a chance, yet they ignored me
How much can I stand by while the innocent were slain?
Nine times I called out
Nine times I called out
Turn away from your wicked ways
You think you are in charge of your destiny
And that you will not fall into the fiery pit
As I churn the waters of the mighty oceans you will see who has the real power
Why do you interfere with the weather and turn it towards destruction
Why are you playing your games with me
You know that in the end, I WIN
In the days of Noah upon mankind came a mighty flood
The evil was too much for me to bear
You will never have the power I have!
You will never take over my people!
You change the DNA to hybridize my creations
You have overstepped!
I am long-suffering but there comes a time when my mighty hand comes down to JUDGE one and all!
You are now in a season of Great Judgment
My mercy is on the little ones and this has now come to pass
They will be saved in the womb and on the streets
I see the hidden evil
I see it ALL!
I have grieved for centuries
I know the plans I have for you
Plans to prosper you my little ones
Your Father is here to save you
I will never forget how the wicked have gone against my commandments
AND they will be cursed forever
I AM not a GOD who LIES!
The rain will fall on all
But my hand will save those who know my name
Stay strong my beloved as I turn the ship
The storm will be mighty
The winds will howl
Sandstorms everywhere
It will be a sight to see
As it was in the time of Noah
There is much wickedness
You will not see my mighty wrath destroy the earth but you will see my JUDGEMENT
Now is not the time to do evil in my sight
Now is the time to repent and turn back to me
I have left but a small window before I utterly destroy Nations
Nuclear war will be a topic of news
You will hear rumblings in Damascus
They will be annihilated in time
Did I not say that you are not safe!
I see the warships in the Black Sea
They are steadily moving to the East
There will be an eruption of great proportions that will cause mighty waves to swallow up islands
Destroyed in an instant!
Why do you mock the Lord Almighty?
You will never win against my people
I have saved them for a time such as this
Many have been tested and tempered in the fire
They are a force to be reckoned with
You will not see them coming and they will take out evil
Hail and Thunder will be on your streets
It will be a scary time
Tankers and Guns aimed at the bystanders
The people will be full of fear
I call you my beloved to stay in peace
This time must come to pass
As the darkness is destroyed as it comes into the light you will see a new day and a new way
Darkness will self destruct as it has reached massive proportions
It cannot stand in the face of the LORD
I have come to steer the ship toward the horizon of a new destiny
America you will be saved
You have much work to do
There are many that I have sent to you to bring my Harvest through
You will see my mighty judgment
False Shepherds will fall one by one
The congregations will be shocked
It is time to clean out my house
Angels of Old are on Assignment to destroy the wickedness in the House of the Lord
I have not come to make peace but to divide Fathers and Mothers and their children
It is now time to choose whom you will serve
The testing is now over for many
You will see those who are humble and trained by me take mighty positions in my Kingdom
I have prepared them for a time such as this
They are true shepherds to bring my sheep home
You will know then by their fruit
You will know them by the signs and wonders that will follow them wherever they go
These are the mighty ones. My beloved remnant. A chosen generation of warriors
I ask you now to stand down Satan as I reverse all you have done in this hour of great exposure!
What was hidden has now come into the light
Pelosi, Schumer your days are numbered You will see the wrath of the Lord
How is it that you are still here?
It is my mercy that allows you to still stand
However, the judgment hour is at hand and you have not repented
I will now send down the axe of Justice and you will see my fury
Once and for all will their wickedness stop
AOC is a wicked Jezebel and Elijah will expose her wicked ways
The winds of change are blowing the evil away
You will feel a new wind of my Mercy and Grace
I have not forsaken you
I am so proud of saints and true shepherds who have stood against evil
They are great rewards for their obedience
I ask that you do not faint
Do not grow weary of going good
I have you under the shadow of my wings
I have called my people out of the darkness and into the light
Stay in faith and hope
I love you so much my beloved ones
I have seen your ways and know your hearts
Gold and purified in the fire of time
You will be blessed in so many ways
Stand strong as the ship turns to bring you on a new path of Victory and Joy!
I Love You
Your Father who Art in Heaven
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