Holy Spirit Wind
America, the Whore of Babylon, Who is Clothed in Purple and Scarlet
received 11-9 through 11-11-18
During my morning worship and prayer time on Friday 11-9-18 the Lord spoke this: “The blue wave and the red wave have now combined in America and they have become a flood of purple upon the land. The whore of Babylon is clothed in purple and scarlet.”
I recognized that as a passage from scripture in both Revelation chapters 17 and 18. The Holy Spirit showed me the verses that I need to pay attention to. Revelation 17:3b-6a “And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:
I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.”
As I was meditating upon what the Lord meant by this He gave me a picture in my mind like a flash vision. I saw a red wave to my right and a blue wave to my left and they were coming towards each other and as they crashed together they made a sea of purple over America. The country was completely flooded. Later I saw the sword of Damocles (an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power.) hanging and it dropped in the middle of the purple flood and a bright red river flowed through the middle of the sea of purple.
Here is the best representation of it that I can render.
Then the Lord spoke this to me:
My son, I have given you this picture to show those who would put their hope in man, concerning America, that they are completely mistaken and deceived. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans follow my ways! Why would I restore a country that has not repented of its evil, sinful ways? The false prophets and teachers among you have been proven wrong! A red wave of My blood would have come upon this country if you only had repented but you DID NOT! I never overlook or bless sin or anyone or anything that is sinful. The god who blesses you is the god of this world, America! I tell you the truth that even Satan’s blessings are coming to an end and I will use him to steal, kill and destroy now, as he loves to do it so much, so that you might repent and come back to Me.
America, you are clothed in purple because you were the queen of nations who says, “I am no widow and I will not see sorrow”, but now the blue and red have mixed and covered the land with violence, hatred and death. The sword of judgment hangs above your nation and when it drops, blood will run like a river. You are also clothed in scarlet because of the blood of over 60 million children that you have sacrificed on the altar of Baal. You have also killed millions of innocent men, women and children across the entire earth in the name of democracy, freedom and liberty. In reality the wars that you have waged since WWII are so that you could keep up your extravagant lifestyles of greed, lust and power. Even the poorest among you are considered rich in many nations but that shall end very soon. You are mystery Babylon! The whore that all of the nations have fornicated with and you are drunk with the blood the innocent, power and riches. But your time is short America, it is coming to an end even now. Civil war and calamity will overtake you as the sword drops. Your enemies will come from without and within as fire devours all of your riches and treasures. You will be violently shaken and the tsunami waves will hit your coasts and the heartland. Then shall your destruction come by fire in one day and all of your wealth and riches shall be destroyed because of the vileness of your sins and the mockery and blasphemy of the Only One who could have saved you.
I am not a man that I can lie but that is who you look to, America! You love to listen to their lying lips. They tell you what you want to hear but it has been found to be false. Yet you are too drunk with your deceptions to recognize My truth. Those who follow these liars shall be punished but many will repent when destruction comes. Many more will shake their fists to the sky and curse Me, it is written.
My remnant, you have come out from among them and have kept yourselves from the purple and scarlet stains. You have put on My robe of righteousness and kept it without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. You will be saved in the midst of the destruction to reap a great harvest of souls for Me. Some of you will taken home to be with Me early but then you shall return with Me to fight the mighty battle that I have already won. Rejoice this day My bride, for the time of the end has come and and you shall hidden from My wrath as I take you away from this abominable place and you shall be transformed into My image and none shall harm you again!
The Victorious King of kings and Lord of lords
Jesus Christ
Yahshua ha Mashiach