Angela Heidebrecht
August 25 2018
While praying these words were spoken.I am coming
Yes I am coming soon.
Are you ready.
All that are mine are watching.
They are prepared, others are not prepared for wrath is coming.
They do not know who I am.
They love their sin and most will die in their sin.
Wake up America your sin is deep.
You don’t know me .You like your money and fame.No that is not I.
I come quickly .
Only those that are watching will be spared of my wrath.
Most don’t believe in a rapture (taken away) .I say they don’t know me or my word.
I am coming sooner than you think.
Several will be left to see my wrath.
I am watching I see who is ready very few.
America needs to repent. They do not know I or what I am capable of.
No one wants to open my Word and read for themselves.
They depend on man.
I do not lie,man can lie and deceive you.
Why don’t people come to me and ask.
No they go to man for their answers and many are led astray.
Open my Word,seek me now tomorrow is not promised.Do not delay.
Repent,call to me.
I do not want anyone to perish.
I wait will you call to me or will you wait for my wrath.
Hell is real and many have gone there not ever knowing me.
I love you and want you with me.
Don’t wait the door is about to shut.No more time. I love my creation.
Destruction is coming.Prepare.I am at the door and coming.