America is in Free Fall
May 23, 2020
Yahushua LoverOfMySoul
0:00 / 5:36
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hi everyone um I’d like to share word
that I received from the Lord on May 12
my words there’s coming much disaster
soon many are unprepared by what will
soon enter your city walls the
governments of the United States have
already declared its sovereignty to be
over she is already in her fall her
descent to the ground has already
started watch as they mourn and cry for
her watch as her buildings go up in
smoke she is on fire
and there are no hoses to put her out as
wisdom cries in the streets and utters
her words to return I remove my hand of
protection from off of her her
wickedness must be repaid and harsh is
the one who judges her my judgments are
just and my justice will be served all
those who participate in her evils will
be brought down with her only those who
have repented will be sheltered in the
coming storm the powers of darkness have
full rein to torment now and torment
they will free right fear
will only be a way of life for many now
nothing will go back to what it once was
liberties are taken away daily now they
will not be returned to you the enemy
seen how many are willing to comply for
the safety of their living room no one
sees the pot is now boiling the Frog who
sees completes it too
it’s cooked before he realized as the
stove is even on great wrath is coming
but first the revival of many souls and
my harvest like lightning when it
travels the force of my power will
course through my children and they will
touch this lost world my healing hands
are in the final stages of their
training rigorous this course has been
but they are almost ready to harvest the
greatest crop of man never in the
history has so much wheat been pulled
the sifting is soon to begin children
the wheat will enter and the chaff will
fall off to the ground where it will be
trampled underfoot can you hear the
train coming do you feel the roar
beneath your feet for soon it will pull
into the station and load up those who
are ready to go all others will go into
additional time of testing to prepare
their hearts to receive of me at my
second coming the time to get right with
me is now there will never be another
chance to make this first cut the rest
will move to the back of the line get
ready my child for soon I come for you
your training is almost complete and
then he said it is here daughter Obama
will now rise chaos will usher him in
and he will bring in the resolution the
days of old are now passed we are
bringing in the new hold on child for
all is about to take place so that was a
pretty powerful word and many words is
our head showing that devastation that’s
coming to the country I’ve grown up in
in the country where has been fought for
it’s difficult it’s difficult because it
didn’t have to be this way for one our
Lord’s been merciful for a very long
time justice will be served
he’s going to UM it’s going to deal with
those who have evil and wicked hearts
and he’s also going to purify those who
belong to him just haven’t found their
way yet so there’s good coming I said we
need to cling to the Lord’s promises and
we need to pray for our brothers and
sisters to be strong in the days ahead
and we need to take the Lord and we have
to stay close to him because the times
that are coming our times we’ve never
seen before and it’s only in the Lord
that we can be strengthened and we will
be strengthened to rise and fulfill our
colleagues so I have one more word I’m
gonna read for you guys today so I’m
gonna cut this one off so it doesn’t get
too long so it doesn’t take forever to
upload god bless you I’ll talk to you